Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number
of ways -

yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries. Instead it uses
hydraulics for energy storage. And it is a double hybrid since the small
diesel is to be fueled by biodiesel. Carbon neutral.

And especially notable, it excels in energy-recovery from braking - where
even the Prius and every other hybrid is weak- like 30% or so. This gets
back almost triple that. Also the mileage is double the Prius, and the
carbon footprint is lower than any PHEV (without the shenanigans of battery
packs that require lots of carbon to recharge,  on average due to battery
and line losses). Shocking indeed - they don't call it 'lightning' for
nutin' ;-)

Also, here is the aesthetic flash - its beauty, low drag, light weight and
drivetrain logic almost strike one down, so to speak, once you get over the
novelty of the different approach they are taking. How could Detroit have
missed this? That was rhetorical. Detroit misses everything, almost. But how
could California have missed it? Forget the Tesla with its sticker shock -
this one has both beauty and brains without the big-bucks. . saving $30,000
on the lack of a battery pack alone.

.  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all
the emphasis by DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

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