Steven Krivit wrote:

I think you said you did the editing and production on the latest then the new format will be closer to 81/2 x 11 and 12-point font?

I hope so. That was the format I left the papers in. I do not know what they intend to do with them.

I uploaded several ICCF-14 papers to Here is an example:

The Microsoft Word version of these papers has various Styles and Formatting markups for a book. The title is marked as a Heading 1, the author name is marked for a table of authors and so on. So they are set to go no matter what the page size is.

I did not make the appearance of papers quite as rigorously uniform as the people at World Scientific do, but on the other hand I do not think I left any severe errors in grammar.

I have recommended that the ICCF-14 Proceedings and all future proceedings be made available as a single Acrobat document, and placed at various web sites so that anyone can read or print the whole book for free. One version would be in the standard Letter size (8.5" x 11") and the other in the European A4 size. I have also recommended that it be uploaded to a print-on-demand service such as for people who want a printed copy. Whether anyone will heed these recommendations remains to be seen. I have little or no influence with the ICCF organizers.

- Jed

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