
On 9-10-09: Discovered a here-to-fore not-known 'violent' allergic reaction to 
shell-fish of which I was incredulously clueless.  I'm a creature of the Rio 
Grande corridor from El Paso del Norte-Canutillo-Anthony-Mesilla-Alamogordo-Las 
Cruces-'T'-or-'C'-Socorro-Belin-(delete Albuquerque)up through Santa Fe & Taos. 
 Not much serious shell fish in those parts and never in my lifetime was I 
inclined to so much as order steak & lobster.  Bottom line:  In 24 hrs. I once 
again, as in many mortality-episodes of an adventurously eventful & quirky 
'Gumpianesque' life-time, got to surf the frontiers of eternity.  This is a 
poor-man's psychedelic experience.  And its also highly conducive to at least a 
minor epipany-metamorphosis attitude adjustment.   
In short, playing jai-lai with the 'Dark-Doorman/psychopompos' tends to 'jerk 
the slack out've yer chain.'  Thoughts become more lucid, at least for a bit.  
Methinks that the 'Phoenix' is most symbolic of mankind's evolutionary journey, 
and this is cause for much hope. . .  Cheers & Regards, Jack Candelaria 
> From: mix...@bigpond.com
> To: braghgoerin...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment finally done 
> correctly?
> Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 08:11:50 +1000
> In reply to Jack O Suileabhain's message of Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:20:35 +0000:
> Hi Jack,
> [snip]
> >
> >The device looks flimsy: Centrifugal momentum at the bottom of the gravity 
> >trough 'pendulum' swing is going to amplify enough 'g's to simply torque the 
> >componants of the apparatus. To negate this the apparatus would have to be 
> >concrete imbedded bolt-anchored to the floor & the entire structure would 
> >needs be entirely tooled of much tougher stuff. German tool steel would do 
> >it for the framework and extremely good bearings to avoid stress vibration 
> >at the high centrifugal amplified 'g' swing points. Because these are 
> >supposedly the exact points where the socalled evidence of 'new' relative 
> >gravity-photon effects are being detected. In short the mechanical 
> >engineering of this experiment is simply far too weak.
> [snip]
> ...so it seems the CAPS aren't necessary after all. ;)
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/Project.html

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