Chris Zell wrote:

"rather depressing"?  "somewhat worse"?
> To have cold fusion around for this many years, amidst the internet and
> globalization, and still be unacknowledged goes a bit beyond somewhat worse.

Good point! I guess that was an understatement. As I said, we are at a low
ebb. Maybe a low-low-ebb. Like if this were a war, it would be the Hundred
Years War.

I guess this goes to show that for the purposes of disseminating scientific
information and establishing the truth, the Internet is no better than old
fashioned journals and snail-mail. When I read biographies of 19th century
scientists, I get that impression. Information seemed to spread as rapidly
and accurately then as now.

Martin Fleischmann says the late 19th century back issue of Nature are a
gold mine of unexplored, substantive discoveries. I doubt anyone will say
that about the last 50 years worth.

- Jed

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