Previously I posted on the H1N1 vaccine, I didn't have the time then to
reply to criticism, but here finally is my opinion on it.

17 Reasons not to take the Swine Flu (H1N1) vaccine.

1. The Swine flu vaccine contains 60,000 times more of the adjuvant Squalene
than was given in the vaccinations that caused the gulf war syndrome,
Squalene has been proven in animal studies to cause the exact same
autoimmune dysfunction. The version of the h1N1 vaccine made for testing
contains no Squalene.

*Let me say that again, the most dangerous components of the vaccine are
being left out of the safety test! *
For more info on Squalene see below this list.  Squalene is not FDA Approved
for use in vaccines.

2. *Everyone thinks it is dangerious*: In polls 51% of the public considers
the H1N1 vaccine a greater threat than Swine flu with a further 19% unsure
which is worst.  50%-60% of doctors won't take it, 35% of nurses won't take
it, and even scientists who developed the Polio vaccine won't take it and
are urging their friends and family not to.
In the UK the government sent a memo to senior neurologists to be alert for
an increase of Guillain-Barre Syndrome following the H1N1 vaccine, no wonder
Doctors don't want to take it.  GSK includes GBS as a possible result of
taking their swine flu vaccine.

2.b In 1976 a similar swine flu scare caused a swine flu vaccine to be
produced however after causing rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome to skyrocket
it was stopped, there are 300 claims now pending from the families of GBS
[Guillain-Barre Syndrome] victims who died.

Even the WHO has admitted the vaccine may be dangerous.

3. *It contains 25,000 times more mercury than is considered safe* but in
the form of thymerisol it is already 50 times more toxic than straight
mercury due to it's availability. Causes Autism:

4. *Swine Flu (H1N1) has not mutated as was feared* as the WHO admits and is
now considered to be no more or even less deadly than the normal seasonal
flu, it was initially reported that there were 159 H1N1 deaths in Mexico but
the WHO said that there had really only been 7 H1N1 deaths in Mexico at that
point.  As with the normal seasonal flu it has only killed those who already
had other life threatening conditions.
Note: Flu's have always tended to become less virulent not more.

6. *The majority of the vaccine is in multiuse vials which have caused
people to be infected with HIV* in Australia, hepetitis and bacterial

7. *An illegal test of a bird flu vaccine in Poland of 350 homeless people
killed 21 of them and the doctors and nurses are on trial for murder.*
Vaccines can be very deadly!

8.*Baxter's facility in Austria produced a 2009 seasonal flu vaccine that
was "contaminated" with 158lb (weight of a person!) of H5N1 live bird flu
virus classified as a bioweapon* which must be secure and separate from all
other substances under stringent biosecurity level regulations, it was only
found when against standard procedure a Czech lab tested the vaccine on
Ferrits quickly killing them all preventing a pandemic or did it?.
*There are no records that this vaccine was destroyed!*

9.You can't trust pharmaceutical companies to care about your safety, while
opinion of pharmaceutical companies is already generally low it should
concern you that regulations have been passed to shield vaccine manufactures
against any and all claims.
An example of how they will happily send thousands to their death for money
and not be prosecuted: *Bayer had a product they knew was contaminated with
HIV so they just sold it overseas instead killing thousands of haemophiliacs
Baxter did much the same.

10.Vaccines contain fillers, including: aluminum hydroxide, aluminum
phosphate, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, animal tissues: pig blood,
horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken
egg, duck egg, calf (bovine) serum, betapropiolactone, fetal bovine serum,
formaldehyde, formalin, glycerol, human diploid cells (originating from *HUMAN
ABORTED FEATAL TISSUE*), hydrolized gelatin, monosodium glutamate (MSG),
neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze),
potassium diphosphate, potassium monophosphate, polymyxin B, polysorbate 20,
polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic, hydrolysate of casein, residual
MRC5 proteins, sorbitol, sucrose, thimerosal (mercury),
tri(n)butylphosphate, VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells,
washed sheep red blood cells, Spermiscide. (causing birth defects) Human
mucous and hair is also found in vaccines as the conditions aren't as
sterile as you would imagine.
Which of these are in which version of the Swine Flu Vaccine is unknown.

11. Baxter uses cancerous VERO Green Monkey kidney cells to culture their
H1N1 viruses that are routinely infected with the SV40 virus scientists have
linked to pandemic cancers and even AIDS. Dr. Maurice Hilleman, the world's
leading vaccine developer for Merck &  Co., testified that America got AIDS
from SV40 vaccine contamination's sourcing from the same species of African
green monkeys used by Chiron.

12. CBC News in Canada is now reporting: "*Four Canadian studies involved
about 2,000 people, health officials told CBC News. Researchers found people
who had received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to
get sick with the H1N1 virus*. "
Flu vaccines weaken your immune system in general and the same is true of
the swine flu vaccine.

13. Tests even though lacking the dangerous adjuvant are showing adverse
effects, In a test of the H1N1 vaccine in Germany a 40 year old German
businessman immediately felt bad from the injection and started coughing up
blood, however the researcher in charge of the trials dismisses the symptoms
out of hand.

The European Medicines Agency report on GlaxoSmithKline's new swine flu
vaccine called "Pandemrix" says on pg. 17 that it contains 10.69 milligrams
of squalene.

An appendix to the report says on pg. 29 that subjects injected with the
vaccine suffered *"Headache, Tiredness, Pain, redness, swelling or a hard
lump at the injection site; Fever, Aching muscles and joint pain." It says
these complaints were "very common" - occurring with more than 1 in 10 doses
* of Pandemrix.

*In 1 out of 1,000 doses, subjects reported "Allergic reactions leading to a
dangerous decrease of blood pressure, which, if untreated, may lead to
collapse, coma and death*; Fits, Severe stabbing or throbbing pain along one
or more nerves and Low blood platelet count which can result in bleeding or
bruising." In *1 in 10,000 doses, volunteers reported "Temporary
inflammation of the brain and nerves causing pain, weakness and paralysis
that may spread across the body; and Narrowing or blockage of blood vessels
with kidney problems*."

The US has ordered 195 million doses which equates to 195,000 people
suffering from a life threatening allergic reaction and 19,500 people with
inflammation of the brain, nerves and blockages which could obviously
trigger heart attacks and strokes, and that's just the manufactures opinion!

14. Key patents applying to the swine flu vaccine are held by a private
military contractor Dynacorp connected with mundane things such as underage
sex slaves and genocide, The Baxter patents for H1N1 were filed 27th of
August 2007 almost 2 years before the virus was found which is yet to be

15. If you are concerned about contracting the swine flu you can simply take
Vitamin D3 3000-5000IU a day should be an effective dosage and can be
purchased quite affordably online and off, there is *much* evidence
supporting Vit. D in boosting the immune system so you don't have to worry
about catching colds or flu's indeed it is effective against bacteria,
viruses and fungus, I'd encourage everyone to do their own research on this

16. How well do vaccines really work anyway? After you read this site
starting with the vaccine that started it all, the small pox vaccine you may
conclude that any benefit is vastly outweighed by the harm.
Here's an expert: "*Prior to 1905, in the Philippines, case mortality from
smallpox was around 10%.  After the forced inoculation by U.S. military,
morality range rose from 25% to 50%. In 1918, at a time when there was no
epidemic brewing three million people in the Philippines (natives) were
vaccinated by the U.S. Army resulting in 47,369 infections and 16,477
deaths. One third of the vaccinated died.  The program was doubled in 1919
with over seven million vaccinations.   This forced practice resulted in
65,180 infections and 44,408 deaths. Two thirds of the infected vaccine
recipients died. The highest percentage occurred in Manila which was also
the most vaccinated area.  The lowest percentage was in Mindanao in which
there was the least vaccination rate due to religious beliefs.*
The site exceeds it's bandwidth every day but you can still visit it at

17. Swine flu is widely considered to be less virulent than the normal
seasonal flu, Dr Marc Lipsitch of Harvard University found a range of
mortality from swine flu, from 0.007 percent to 0.045 percent which is in
line with normal seasonal flu and only kills those with life threatening
health conditions

It is reported that there are 36-40,000 deaths from the normal flu in the US
each winter, In New Zealand the death toll from having widespread swine flu
strike during the winter flu season resulted in 18 recorded deaths which in
the US would equate to a mere 1,400 deaths from swine flu.

If the vaccine were the first vaccine to have a 100% success rate you would
need to vaccinate 214,285 people to save 1 life, if it had a more realistic
20% success rate you would need to vaccinate 1 million people to save a
single person, and if you take a look at the risks listed above it is clear
you would hurt and kill far more than you saved

In 1993 the federal government hid a deadly flu vaccine that killed
thousands of nursing home patients. It was the first year that flu shots
were paid for by Medicare. The vaccine-related mortality was so large that
this set back the life expectancy of Americans for the first time since the
1918 Spanish flu! Mortality reports take a year or two to tabulate and the
federal government may choose not to reveal the true mortality rate and
whether it was related to the flu or the vaccines. You say this couldn’t
happen? It did in 1993!

More about Squalene

95% of those with "Gulf War syndrome" tested positive for Squalene
antibodies and 0% for those without Gulf War syndrome, those who didn't
attend the Gulf War that had the vaccine still had Gulf War Syndrome..

There are more than two dozen animal studies that generated data
demonstrating Squalene's ability to induce autoimmune disease. Animals
injected with Squalene always develop painful, incurable, autoimmune
diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus
according to investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto

Dangers of Squalene have been known since 1956 when Dr. Jules Freund,
creator of this oil-based adjuvant, warned that animals injected with his
formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic
aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic
encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis
(inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe
autoimmune disorders.

Consuming Squalene is safe but injecting it incites the immune system (the
goal of adjuvants) into attacking it and any other source of this in your
body which is a problem because our bodies make it naturally causing your
body to attack it's self!

Also a patent for a vaccine to impair fertility in animals contains

If the Fox new poll that 70% of people believe the swine flu vaccine Is
(51%) or may be (19%) more dangerous than the Swine Flu then most people you
send this to will likely be receptive and if 2-3 of those you send this to
sends it to at least 4 or more people then this message may be able to get
the word out and save many lives so please be encouraged by these figures.

Consider all the hoax and frivolous chain emails that are distributed, why
not distribute a serious and timely message that may save lives?

Squalene in Anthax Vaccine and causing GWS:

Animal studies
"Over the past 35 years, scientists in laboratories like UCLA Medical Center
and the Karolinska Institute, which awards the Nobel Prizes in Medicine and
Physiology, have published papers showing how squalene injected into rodents
will cripple them. They used squalene to induce diseases like rheumatoid
arthritis in animals (the animal version is called "adjuvant arthritis") in
order to search for a cure in humans.
They also develop a version of Multiple Sclerosis"


Baxter bird flu



25,000 times more Mercury

Not mutated


Vaccine Fillers

Monkey Aids Quote

Mortality rate

Bad Vaccine

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