For formal submission to: Max Planck Institute--> <&> <&> <-- From Jack 
O'Suileabhain(eng."O'Sullivan) aka Jack 'Harbach' O'Sullivan

**************** Planck's Constant Revised *******************

* * * Postulated necessary Planck revisions per extending 
fixed-definition-status to the value of 'E'-energy relative to 
Planck's-Constant's values for all subsequent international quantum-mechanics 
calculations hense forth* * *

Purpose of Paper:  Introduction of a Seminal-alternate-Concept of defining 
newly a 'Fixed Universal Quantum for all quantum-mechanics calculations for 'E' 
as for 'energy' as a fixed-universal-constant and newly minting this concept as 
the 'BAE-Constant' while specifically 'not' altering the contextual basis of 
Max Planck's constant; re: The Planck-Einstein-Dirac constant.  
Rather; this paper is in extended support of the Planck's-Constant and 'not' in 
refutation of 'Planck-Einstein-Dirac' in any regard.  In light of the purposed 
fixed-universal-value new definition of 'E' I will posit an alternative 
formula-revision of Einstein's classic E=MC^2quared to solve for 'M'ass @ 
M=EC2quared.  And this is also 'not' intended to alter Einstein but rather 
restate Einstein's formula(Einstein's-Constant) only in terms of the newly 
proposed assignment of said "universal fixed-quantum-formula-value for 'E.' "  
And further:  I propose that the fixed-value of posited 
AExo-DarkSpace-ergo-DarkEnergy as AE=EC^3ubed in light of the proposed 
fixed-quantum designation for the value expressed as the BAE-Constant of 'E,' 
aka the Base-Ambient-Constant of Energy.
This proposed conversion renders the classic Planck's-Constant E=hv to EC=hv as 
changed by the fixed definition of 'E'nergy to be here-forward expressed as the 
'BAE-Constant' fixed-base-energy-value of Interstellar Space.  Specifically the 
posit here is that there is a 'lowest-base-ambient-energy-density-level' to 
Interstellar Space; and below which that energy level cannot fall.  The theory 
for this is that the quasi-static-energy-tension of our Universe mandates & 
sustains that BAE-Constant.  And this is because our Universe is a 
relatively-low-energy-density bubble within a larger/virtually infinite 
DarkEnergy Aexo-space.  And this AExo-DarkSpace exists at it's own 
Base-Ambient-Energy-Density-Level again of AE=EC^3ubed and maintains the 
gravitational tensor-outpull upon our bubble universe.  (Note: A sub-posit to 
this is that AE=EC^3ubed also describeds the nexial energy level of a 
black-hole-singularity ingress point into parallel Aexo-DarkSpace as is the 
outer fringe-border of our bubble universe with Aexo-DarkSpace)
Posit:  There can be 'no total energy vacuum' that can exlude the density-field 
of energy below the BAE-Constant within our universe.  And this is because the 
DarkSpace tensor-outpull tends to want to inexorably actually accelerate 
outward to itself all lower density objects & energy wave-forms than it's own 
original AE=EC^3ubed base-ambient-energy-density-level outward back into itself 
as a fluid dynamic flow system.  Hubble clearly observes & articulates that 
inexorable outward acceleration of galaxies/mass/energy flow to the outer 
diameter-border of our bubble universe.  And that border is the point where 
mass @ EC^2quared has accelerated x 'C' light speed and reaches the DarkSpace 
ingress energy thresh-hole of AE=EC^3ubed. 
The rest of this paper attempts to provide theoretical proofs of the above 
based upon a revised- Planck's constant of (Photon= E=hv--->to---> BAE-Constant 
@ E therefore Photon=E @ 'C'-light-speed= (EC=hv) as Planck's revision.  And 
this will perforce also revise Einstein's Constant @ E=MC^2quared to 
M=EC^2quared (to be demonstrated following).

Whereas Max Planck posited that certain discreet quanta cannot take on 
Indescriminate-Values herein I extend that same premise to newly quantafying 
the value of 'E'nergy as pertains to quantum-mechanics.  Thusly from here forth 
'E' is to be held constant at a 'fixed-value' that I will attempt to define & 
quantafy by the Planck-Einstein constant.  Here after I will refer to the 
fixed-value of 'E' regularly as the BAE-Constant.

Supporting Premise:  The Dirac-Constant rather straight-forwardly describes 
'Light' as 'Helicoid-Wave-String'  enter:----> Photon 'E'nergy = h/2pi x w =  
hv<---  (h= MPconstant & w=angular frequency & v=electro-magnetic ) eg. the 
double radii 2pi a la' Dirac indicates circular diameter/wave-spin/wave-twist 
etc.)--->ergo---> Light as Helicoid-Wave-String a la' Dirac & a la' Planck.
Subsequently a Photon per duel particle/wavicle characteristic would logically= 
1-wave-crest to Dirac-loop wave-crest  of afore-said 'Helicoid-wave-String.'   
And classically the Planck-Constant writes that as 1-Photon's energy-'E'= hv.
Central Key argument per the logic of Max Planck:  Pragmatically 'E' must equal 
some 'constant' based upon the Planck-Einstein Constant rather than 'E' being 
merely a generically descriptive term merely in indication of the variously 
calculated sums of 'whole-quantum-energy' of sub-atomic particles &/or wave 
values in general terms.  To my mind that seems somewhat slip-shod 'not' to 
narrowly define 'E' in very specific fixed-quantum-value terms that would be 
universally-constant in all quantum-mechanics equations.
Max Planck's Constant is classically defining the 'E'-energy of a photon within 
light-wave-string obviously at 'light-speed' ergo E=hv.  The problem here that 
'C'-light-speed is 'not' an irrevocable constant-speed as regards to the 
fiction of 'the vacuum of space.'  There is no-such-state as a complete energy 
vacuum.  And 'space' relative density is compromised through gravitational 
warp-density rendering the idea of a 'Light Speed Constant' to be a defacto 
fiction relative to gravitational space-density stressors constantly impinging 
upon light's trajectory & drag vs speed.  Hense the original proofs to 
Einstein's theory which perforce validated General Relativity etc.
There is difficulty here  unless we define the ultimate base-constant of 
'Light-Speed' by defining 'Light Speed' at a 
'Fixed-Base-Ambient-Insterstellar-Space-Energy-density level' that cannot be 
further reduced because of the dynamic-quasi-static-tension of the Surrounding 
DarkEnergy gravitational out-pull-stressors upon our space-time-normal energy 
sheet within our bubble-space-time variable-normal universe.
Accordingly then this modifies the Planck-Constant as follows: Logically then 
using 'E' as the fixed-quantum of the Base-Ambient-Energy Constant/BAE-Constant 
we can define Light Wave Photon energy-density simply as BAE-Constant 'E' x 'C' 
light-speed= Photon-energy-density.  And so this concept simply converts the 
Planck-Constant Photon energy definition from  E = hv --> to --> EC=hv.
And as follows relative to the Planck-Einstein-Constant this new 
fixed-quantum-definition of 'E' as the Base-Ambient-Interstellar-Space 
energy-density level expresses 'E' per 'Planck' as----> E=hv/C

Review revisions:  
*Re:  'E' = BAE-Constant = hv/C
*Re:  Planck's-Constant = 1-Photon = EC = hv
*Re:  Mass of 1'H'-hydrogen= EC^2quared = hv^2quared = (M=EC^2quared)
*Re:  AExo-DarkSpace = DarkEnergy = EC^3ubed = hv^3ubed = (AE=hv^3ubed=EC^3ubed)
Recap:  Planck Revised-->Photon= BAE-Constant @ Light-Speed
Old Planck-->Photon= E=hv----->Revised Planck----> EC=hv
Therefore BAE = E = hv/C
If then Einstein Revised says M=EC^2quared
then also E = M/C^2quared
then also hv/C = M/C^2quared
therefore hv = M/C
therefore {hv} x C = M  which is also neatly  ({hv} x C = EC^2quared) =   
and again said Revised Planck says Photon= EC=hv  because new BAE-Constant = E 
making photo...@c-light speed
therefore as before revised Einstein says M=EC x C which also = M = hv x C 
which also = M=EC^squared which thusly becomes Revised Einstein per Revised 
Planck's-Constant per reassignment of the postulated 'now'  
fixed-universal-constant value for 'E'-energy as the BAE-Constant aka Base 
Ambient Energy universal-fixed Constant.
Again-------> M=EC^2quared  which is equal to ---> {hv} x C = M
And again Planck revised restates Photon=> EC=hv  aka BAE-Constant of 'E' x 
C-lightspeed = EC=hv.
*Conclusional Postulate:  Light Speed-'C' can only correctly be stated as an 
universal constant in the context of 'E'-energy being also stated as a 
fixed-universal-constant; and this within the further framework of a revisional 
re-expression of the Planck's Constant which in turn simultaneously revises 
Einstein's-Constant equation relative to

the relationship of Mass to Energy to Light-Speed.


In short these revisions are stated:  From E=hv  --->to--->  EC=hv  as the 
Revised Max Planck's Constant---->&>

which mandates, proves & articulates the Einstein Revision>  From E=MC^2quared 
-->to--> M=EC^2quared  perforce.
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