Terry Blanton wrote:

Do you tweet?

Hey, do I look like a canary?

I don't honestly know what tweeting is, other than the avian variety. Based on Doonsbury comics I gather tweets are dull . . .

Yes, I confirm that. I just clicked on http://twitter.com/jeffkooistra and the messages are not only dull, I have no idea what he is talking about. This looks like yet another high tech fad I shall skip, like cellphones and dot-com investments.

Incidentally, after all that back and forth brouhaha about cell phones and cancer, it looks like they may indeed be carcinogenic when used for many hours a day. As I recall several prominent public skeptics, including maybe Robert Park (I don't recall), pooh-poohing the notion that they cause cancer. The case studies probably looked at people who use them for an hour or two. Apparently exposure for many hours a day over many years can cause cancer, and the causality seems well established because the tumors are found at the location on the head where the patient holds a cell phone.

I would not be surprised if they eventually discover that power lines are also deleterious. That is another thing that skeptics have dismissed. It is foolish to imagine that we understand biology in any depth. Cancer has increased in all age groups despite the "war on cancer." Something has to be causing it. Probably, many different things are.

- Jed

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