>From Abd


> FTL travel would have to involve something different than ordinary
> acceleration; therefore, why bother with acceleration at all?

Is this premise seriously being discussed?

I confess that I haven't been following all the technical specifics in this
thread line-by-line but... let me get this straight. Have there actually
been Vort individuals who have been speculating that FTL velocities could
eventually be achieved simply by applying constant acceleration to a
space-ship such as from a device like from a supped-up reactionless drive?

If so, how quaint. I guess Neutron would be proud! Einstein might sigh,
however. ;-)

Granted, I myself am a firm believer that FTL travel may eventually be
achieved through clever physics trickery, but I seriously doubt such
cheating will be achieved by brute force acceleration technology techniques.
For my money, the often discussed worm-hole theory seems to be the best
candidate. Others have speculated that warping the immediate surroundings of
the fabric of space might be another viable candidate, but again,
acceleration by itself would not be responsible for achieving FTL speeds, as
I understand it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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