Try #3

On Nov 18, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I wrote:

The reactions appear to be completely independent of one another. I base that on the patterns of heat shown in IR cameras. Also the damage and the autoradiographs. . . .

The point I meant to make is that with a chain reaction from one area on the cathode to other areas, caused by neutrons or something analogous to photons in a laser, I would expect to see the reaction begin at one spot and then spread out from there, perhaps in waves.

Uhhhh ... this is what I wrote about, a genuine chain reaction. Not for all cold fusion processes, but as a side effect, just due to the fact cold fusion can be expected to build up hyperons, and these hyperons are capable of chain reactions triggered by cosmic rays. If you read my paper you should be able to see this:

A small cosmic ray initiated chain reaction event can be expected to be all over long before the metal involved shows any outward signs of melting or evaporating. The collective motions of the mass of metal atoms is slow compared to the rate at which a photon based or near light speed particle based chain reaction can speed through the lattice.

Instead, you see random spots appear and disappear, all over the cathode. The spots would be coordinated over time in some pattern, not random. As the cathode heats up you do see more and more hot spots, but they are not adjacent or coordinated.

Exactly what you would expect from small cosmic ray initiated events.

Here is a macroscopic mousetrap chain reaction that starts at one spot and spreads in waves to the rest of the material:

Here is another, not as clear:

When I say "waves" I mean the reaction runs out of material with potential energy in the initial location, so it peters out there while spreading out from that spot. You do not see patterns like this on cathodes.

Cold fusion reactions also seem to go for a short while at a small spot, and then stop for a while. That's what the IR camera shows.

I have serious doubts the camera is actually showing cold fusion events. See below.

When a spot peters out and stops, I do not think it has run out of fuel. I assume the NAE is not longer suitable for some reason, for a while, and then it becomes suitable again.

- Jed

The fact the sparse hyperons are used up by the chain reaction, and then regenerated by CF, makes the theory I proposed fully consistent with the above. However, I suspect the SPAWAR flashes on Pd mesh are *not* cold fusion, as noted below,

For a chain reaction of the kind I suggested to occur there has to be a high D loading, and more importantly, there has to be a build up of low binding energy hyperons sufficient to sustain the chain reaction throughout the hot spot. Hyperons, and possibly stable kaons, were suggested to result from highly de-energized fusion reactions, i.e. deflated hydrogen fusion reactions. Some of these strange quark containing H/He entities are known to have very low (keV order) binding energies. This was noted on page 9 ff of:

This means a chain reaction can be sustained merely by x-ray stimulation of such nuclei, or other keV order stimulation, by high energy particles. A single MeV particle can thus unbind numerous hyperons, depending on their local density. When such hyperons are disrupted, more high energy particles are generated which can trigger further hyperon disintegrations. It may be that some mu- muons can be generated from some hyperon disintegrations, thus triggering some "ordinary" muon based "cold fusion". However, if the bulk of hyperons release K0 kaons, or produce stable K0 decay, then the bulk of the muons resulting will be neutral. Because it takes the build- up of a sufficient density of low binding energy hyperons to sustain a chain reaction, but they are not the "triggers" but rather a partial fuel.

It is also notable that the ability of a hyperon chain reaction to actually *sustain*, to not be a fast event, is affected not only by the local density of hyperons, but also by the volume and shape of hyperon dense material, and its ability to sustain hyperon generation through ordinary cold fusion. One difficulty is such a reaction is very difficult to moderate, so it has to essentially proceed in small controlled bangs.

Once a critical density of hyperons is obtained in a locality, a single cosmic ray can clearly set off a chain reaction, so fuel storage is not feasible. The hyperons have to be generated by cold fusion on the spot.

I should also make it as clear as possible that I think hyperon chain reactions, if they exist, are an *unusual* form of CF, a secondary effect of CF. The bulk of CF reactions produce no easily identifiable signatures. The chain reactions I have suggested have clear signatures, including neutrons. It still may be true that hyperon stimulated chain reactions may provide some explanation for heat and neutron producing excursion events, which are comparatively rare.

One thing of major concern about this hyperon chain reaction idea is the expectation (necessity) that positrons result from a hyperon based chain reaction. I don't know of any experiment that had an excursion event in which positron annihilation gammas were detected.


The following is just a recap of things I posted here in recent days, questioning whether the SPAWAR film actually shows CF.

Related to all the above issues is the question of whether the SPAWAR filmed jumping hot spots are actually fusion related events. I think they may in fact be H3O+ OH- recombination combined with cavitation. See white dots and color gradients in Figure 1 (b):

SPAWAR states: "The ‘hot spots’ observed in the infrared imaging experiments are suggestive of ‘miniexplosions’ (Figure 1b7). To verify this, the Ag electrode on a piezoelectric transducer was used as the substrate for the Pd/D co-deposition. If a mini-explosion occurred, the resulting shock wave would compress the crystal. The shock wave would be followed by a heat pulse that would cause the crystal to expand. In these experiments, sharp downward spikes followed by broader upward spikes were observed in the piezoelectric crystal response. The downward spikes were indicative of crystal compression while the broader upward spikes are attributed to the heat pulse and the consequent crystal expansion following the explosion."

See also the video at:

and the associated article at:

The above article unfortunately does not give the voltage or current at which the cell was running. That video looks very much like an anode in the visible range in an electrospark experiment. The anode spots in an electrospark experiment, especially at threshold voltages, e.g. around 300-400 V after proper anode conditioning, appear to be jumping all over the place. However, after careful inspection, you can see that special locations flash periodically, giving the illusion of spots moving around. This effect is similar to what I observed when experimenting with the electrospark phenomenon, including audible noise. It was difficult to tell if the noise was due to cavitation instead of an "explosion", but it seemed likely. I got the impression that a small arc would expand and heat and partially ionize a gas bubble, and then the bubble would collapse (I used pulsed DC), but the gas compressed would already be heated and would quickly ionize in the compression cycle. I think the noise became more intense when I put a small HV capacitor across the anode and cathode. The noise effect on the anode struck me as electrochemically initiated, probably just an unusually initiated form of cavitation, not the result of an explosion per se. SPAWAR's low voltage induced cathode spots must be a different phenomenon, but still the pattern looks so oddly familiar.

There are major differences between high voltage anode electrospark experiments and low voltage anode experiments. The SPAWAR spots are visible in infra-red. The electrospark spots are visible. Both anode spots and cathode spots could be the result of, initiated by, cavitation. Both increase in intensity as things heat up. Both have similar sounds. Both tend to occur in the center of the cathode, where it is hottest. I expect steam+hydrogen cavitation is involved. Cavitation can produce plasma which is conductive. A high current density will feed the plasma heat, and further provide a hot gas for the re-compression cycle.

SPAWAR states in:

"The random time/space distribution of hot spots as well as their varying intensity with time, Figs. 4a–4d, exclude the existence of fixed location of the nuclear–active–sites. The random distribution and the varying intensity arises from the coupling of the various processes occurring on both sides of the contact surface in response to fluctuations."

"Both, the frequency and intensity are a strong function of temperature. In particular, both increase with an increase in temperature, exhibiting the so– called positive feedback, cf Figs. 3 and 5. This is, perhaps, the most direct indication of the influence of the chemical environment."

The small sites SPAWAR shows could be the result of cavitation induced plasma *injection*, the forcing of a super hot plasma *into* the Pd. Russ George's and Roger Stringham's cavitation experiments forced the hydrogen into the Pd at tiny pores the cavitation opened up in the metal surface. The pores were much much smaller than the bubbles which formed them. They didn't look much different from what SPAWAR shows. I don't know about scale though.

It is unfortunate SPAWAR did not show oscilloscope traces of potential across the electrodes. By placing inductors between the power supply and the electrodes, it might be possible to see sudden current surges due to plasma formation on the surface of the cathode. This plasma penetrates the interface layer and creates a moment of sudden conductivity, which shows up in the potential differential between the cathode and anode. Alternatively, a current sense resistor can see current surges due to the plasma formation - at least that was the case in electrospark experiments. The difference between HV anode and LV cathode effects might simply be one of degree, which IR observation makes up for.

Here's a great article by Ed Storms:

Note photo of bubble in Fig. 7.

Another interesting and early SPAWAR article showing hot spots (see Fig. 7):

Much better photos of cathode spots where scale can be determined:

I'll repeat here a measurement from one of my earliest AC electrospark experiments:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The voltage waveform was a nice and clean sign wave, but the spikes did show up on it when the sparking started. It looked kind of like a rounded version of the following:

          /    \
         /      \
   ------        \
 /                \
                    \                   /
                     \                 /
                       -------        /
                              \      /
                               \    /

At the end of the experiment the scope measured .581 V rms, and 1.34 V pp on the current probe, giving 58.1 mA rms and 134 mA p-p or 67 mA peak current. The DMM showed 53.9 mA at the time. The spikes were very small. I measured the small spikes at only 15 mV, or 0.015V*100mA/V = 1.5 mA each, peak. I did not use a bypass capacitor.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That means, even in the powerful electrospark domain, the little plasmas are only getting 1.5 mA for microseconds. One AC phase is 8.3 milliseconds and there were dozens of spikes on the above current wave form. It seems to me that, in a boiling cavitation regime, it should be feasible to get IR flashes with much much less.

According to Bockris, most of the current flow of ions in a typical electrolytic cell, in the space away from the interfaces, is due to concentration gradients, not the E field between electrodes. The E field is very small there. A Faraday ice pail effect will thus have little effect on ion flow through the mesh from front to back side. However, this still presents a very interesting question with regards to electrolyte potential inside the Pd mesh used in the above experiments. In other words, what is the electrolyte potential on the surfaces facing each other inside the mesh? Suppose the mesh were wrapped into a closed surface, like a sphere. What is the electrolyte potential with respect to the Pd on the inside surface of the sphere? Would an interface even form there at all? I expect not! So, the mesh surface would present a continuum of potentials to zero relative to the cathode around its surface and even an area where the interface itself breaks down. It would not be a surprise at all to find the spots are toward the laterally facing sides of the mesh, at points near zero potential. This means the laterally facing sides of the mesh conductors, not the overall mesh. Interesting that the effect of a potential gradient around the edges of the conductors of the mesh remains no matter how fine and thin the mesh. The finer the conductors the greater the potential gradient around the conductors. It also does no good to have multiple layers of conductors in the mesh. A single layer of very fine mesh between the electrolyte at cathode potential inside the mesh cage and the electrolyte at cell potential on the outside of the cage, would maximize the potential gradient on the conductors, and maximize cathode area per volume used. Use of a very fine mesh would limit the internal strain on the metal, minimize loading time, and maximize flux.

It might be interesting is to put a high voltage cathode inside a grounded cage mesh, used on the outside surface as an electrolytic cell cathode. This would make the inside of the mesh a HV anode, and the outside a cathode. This would absolutely fry an aluminum mesh cage in no time at all. I have to wonder what would happen with a Pd mesh, which does not condition in the same way anodically. The surface effects could be dramatic.

A fine Pd mesh, possibly spot welded around the edges, with an insulating internal mesh, possibly a porous ceramic material, something that can retain integrity at very high electrolyte temperatures and pressures, would be interesting.

There would be an unusual amount of recombination in a mesh cell with positive electrolyte on one side and negative electrolyte on the other side of the mesh. The area of comparatively sheltered neutral potential within the mesh would support large ion conductivity in opposed directions, cations one way anions the other, due to concentration gradients, and thus large amounts of recombination would occur of the form:

   H3O+ + OH- -> 2 H2O

within the mesh. I think this should give the vicinity the visible blue-green glow characteristic of recombination.

At the transition point on the electrode between a cathode interface and an anode interface is made, the concentration sustained ion current should be enormous, due to the short distance between anode and cathode. All bubbling might even be suppressed there due to the high probability of recombination. Any bubbles may tend to move the boundaries of this neutral line. Bubbles formed on or near the neutral line may in fact even have a mix of H, O, H2, and O2. Bubbles might also serve as nucleation sites for steam formation, and ultimately cavitation. Plasma on the mesh surface neutral line, without any interface, can provide a high current path at low voltage, especially if the mesh surfaces on both sides or either side provide a capacitive layer that can briefly feed the plasma energy via capacitive discharge.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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