Beaty sez:

>> What a creep! See:

> His article fails the basic pseudoscience test ...and he even
> MENTIONS this test for detecting pseudoscience!
> It might seem quite bizarre at first.  Don't people typically use
> the Golden Rule, and apply their criticism also to themselves?

Actually, in my experience the opposite is often the case.

> But it's not bizarre, it's just the Scoffers' Fallacy: always
> maintaining double standards, and never realizing that you've done
> so.  Think about it.  If you apply stringent critical standards
> only to those you attack, never to yourself, and you carefully
> avoid all self-examination, then you'll never discover your own
> pathology!  Very devious.

Yeah, but it sure simplifies things. There are books to write! Let's
see now... what should I write about now???

It would appear that Taubes knew all too well which side of the toast
he should butter.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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