In regards to STEORN, I sez:

> ... I myself have yet to reconcile within myself how STEORN's engineers could
> have gotten as far as they claim to have gotten with their alleged ORBO
> technology, but then not have pre-tested the prototype within the same harsh
> environment where it would go on public display.

In regards to MADOFF, Stephen sez:

> ...  It continues to escape me how multiple well-educated
> intelligent people within Madoff's organization could have completely
> overlooked the fact that they were doing something which had a 100%
> chance of being discovered, and so they were setting themselves up for a
> major fall.  We can speculate about reasons why Madoff himself didn't
> get out before it was too late, but all the alleged explanations but one
> seem to break down when we try to apply them to a whole cadre of people.
>   The one explanation that seems to hold water when applied to a
> substantial 'gang' is "galloping innumeracy" -- they really didn't
> understand the math of what they were doing, and didn't realize that it
> was flatly impossible for them to keep it up indefinitely.

That's as good an explanation I've heard so far.

Here's my take on Madoff: Perhaps he realized there really was no
place for him to run. His scheme has produced so much outrage that I
suspect he realized he would have been hunted down and burned at the
stake had he tried to run. Due to the severity of his crimes, no
corner of the planet would have been safe to hide out in. And he's not
getting any younger. Personally, I suspect Madoff's decision to "face
the music" was quite calculated. Once he realized he wasn't going to
be able to out-live his scheme, living within the relatively safe
confines of a United States run state penitentiary, getting three
meals a day, and free health care paid by the state may have started
to look like the most viable option left in which to live out his
final golden years.

As for STEORN's engineers... Due to what appears to be a deliberate
news blackout of sorts, I'm unable to speculate. I'm content to sit
back and watch this little drama unfold. I must confess that I
continue to wish beyond all logical reason that STEORN still might
have a rabbit to pull out of a hat, but hey, hope is cheap, especially
when one doesn't have any financial stake in the business! Shoot! What
a hoot it would be if they could actually pull it off. Let's see if
December comes and passes with or without a whimper. ;-)

Not betting the farm on it...
Steven Vincent Johnson

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