2009/12/5 Harvey Norris <harv...@yahoo.com>
> Solid State Nuclear Fusion
> http://www.wbabin.net/science/shrair3.pdf

This seems to be a very good up to date review of the field, by a
Ph.D. candidate in surface physics and electron devices. Full text:

<<Can a Solid-State Nuclear Fusion Reactor Be the Ultimate Green
Energy Solution?
Jamal S. Amar Shrair*

We all know that palladium (Pd) is an ideal material to
study hydrogen storage kinetics because its bulk hydride
properties are well characterized. Pd absorbs hydrogen gas up
to 900 times its volume. Furthermore, recent investigations
have shown that the rate of hydrogen trapping inside Pd is
even higher in the case of Pd nanoparticles. Hydrogen atoms
are strongly trapped and stabilized in the lattice of Pd
nanoparticles, compared to bulk Pd. The benefit of studying
and modifying the surface of nanoparticle Pd and other large
surface area nanoparticles can lead to better understanding of
nuclear transmutation reactions in solids heavily loaded with
H, D or both. The phenomenon is known as Low Energy
Nuclear Reactions (LENR).

Since 1989 and particularly in the last two years,
different research groups around the world have reported
undisputable evidence on the presence of nuclear reactions in
the Pd/D lattice. It was unfortunate that Fleischmann and
Pons, who were the first to observe LENR in 1989, made
mistakes and added wild extrapolations; nevertheless, they
were not wrong with regard to their finding of excess heat,
which has now been validated by so many research groups
worldwide, like the valuable results that have been achieved
by U.S.Navy researchers, Yasuhiro Iwamura of Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, and especially the results of Yoshiaki Arata
and Yue Chang Zhang. However, by comparing the results
and methods of these experiments, it seems that there is a
better experimental approach to increase the reaction rates of
this process and obtain clear and sound results. LENR is a
surface-dependent phenomena. Thus, in order to increase the
reaction rate and have a suitable process from a practical
point of view, one has to focus on the surface area and try to
create the right environment. Better results can be obtained
by comparing the surface reactivity of different materials
and different size nanoparticles in a new experimental
configuration called “laser-driven solid-state nuclear reactor.”
In addition to the above, better experimental results can lead
to formulating a theoretical model for nuclear transmutation
reactions in solids. I believe there are certain conditions that
can be created which might bring the ions of H/D isotopes at
distances of a few Fermi so the spontaneous fusion rate
would increase considerably.

Evaluations of the Research Activities
Experiments show that when deuterium (or at times even
hydrogen) atoms are inserted (or loaded) inside a metal —
such as palladium, titanium, nickel, etc. — occupying
interstitial lattice positions in sufficiently large numbers and
if the right “active environment” is created, a variety of
nuclear reactions are found to occur involving not only the
deuterium nuclei but also the host metal atoms. In this
process “excess energy” is often found to be produced and in
some cases nuclear particles such as neutrons, X-rays and
even charged particles are released. But increasingly it has
been observed that new “transmutation” elements not present
prior to the commencement of the experiments have been
detected. Most of those stunning experiments demonstrating
low energy nuclear transmutations are readily available for
sincere skeptics in the website www.lenr-canr.org. LENR
was first observed in 1989 by Fleischmann and Pons. Their
work got embroiled in a worldwide controversy. Now there
are hundreds of researchers in several countries working on
this field to unravel the mystery behind what has now come
to be also known as Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

Some of the leading researchers in this field are or were
employed at well known research institutes such as Los
Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Igor Goryachev from the
famous Kurchatov Institute, for example, is expecting to
demonstrate his 100 KW “alchemical reactor” in the very
near future.

In 2007 researchers from the Navy’s Space and Naval
Warfare Systems Center in San Diego, California threw cold
water on skeptics of LENR. They achieved “direct and
undisputable evidence” of LENR in the Pd lattice and
successfully detected the passage of atomic particles emitted
from the reactions using CR-39 detectors. They say their
method can be replicated and verified by the scientific
community. The results were published in the respected
journal Naturwissenschaften. Yasuhiro Iwamura of
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries designed a flawless experiment
that demonstrated 100% reproducibility. On May 22, 2009,
Osaka University physicist Yoshiaki Arata and his associate
Yue Chang Zhang continuously generated excess energy in
the form of heat and also produced helium particles. “The
demonstration showed their method was highly
reproducible,” said physicist Akito Takahashi, one of the 60
persons from industry and universities who witnessed it.
Arata, who is the recipient of Japan’s highest award, the
Emperor’s Prize, is the first person to have performed
thermonuclear fusion research in Japan. Arata and Zhang
have been reporting their work on cold fusion at various
conferences and in Japanese journals for the last ten years.
The details of their work are available at the above website.

The experiments of these groups are very promising,
because if their methods and results can be easily reproduced
and verified by other institutions, then widespread acceptance
would become the norm.

Even though there is still a lack of strong neutron
emissions and also a lack of strong emission of gamma or Xrays,
most of the experiments have demonstrated the
production of neutrons, He3, He4, tritium, gamma rays and
other end products, of nuclear transmutation reactions. This is
in spite of the fact that those experiments use very small
electrodes and small cells, compared with large size
experiments which can show undisputable proof of the
number of neutrons or radioactivity produced from this
process. But even if the rate increases considerably, this type
of reaction would still have low radiation emissions
compared to fission or hot fusion reactions. This process
seems to represent a new nuclear mechanism, maybe we can
call it low radiation nuclear fusion.

There are important areas where we have to concentrate
and learn how to make the right environment for these
reactions. Investigating the lattice structure and its
rearrangement when hydrogen, deuterium or mixed gas is
absorbed in palladium or other alloys would allow us to learn
how to reduce the internuclear distances in such lattices.
Nanoparticles with very high trapping rate of H/D are the
bases to understand the right environments. They are vital in
understanding how to increase the reaction rate of this
process (better nuclear fuel) and how this could be used
either to produce energy directly or to produce neutrons and
tritium in a sustained manner. In other words, if the necessary
environment can be properly identified—which is a realistic
possibility—then the reaction rate can be made to occur at
potentially useful rates, where it can be produced in large
quantity and standard engineering methods can be applied.

Improving the Surface Area
How do we find the best conditions to induce high rate
nuclear fusion by dense-deuterium formed within the surface
area of those nanoparticles? It has been reported by Arata and
Zhang that both the volume of the surface zone of Pd black
and the amount of D/H atoms are easily absorbed inside the
Pd black-intense solid-state nuclear fusion. This means the
surface area plays an important role in solid-state nuclear
fusion (SSNF) and, therefore, it is crucial to have small
particle size, as small as possible.

I believe there is a much better nanostructured material
than what Arata and Zhang used that can form abundant
dense-deuterium (pycnodeuterium) and induce a high rate of
solid-state nuclear fusion. This material will be characterized
by long incubation periods.

The Importance of the Working Gas
The best working gas and the best stimulation energy
system are still dark areas in this field of research. Arata and
Zhang have concluded from their experimental work that the
use of a mixed working gas D2 + He compared with pure D2
gas has greater expectation for generating strong
pycnodeuterium nuclear fusion. But is this mixing the best
working gas?

Advantages of Solid-State Nuclear Fusion
Up to now research in the field of SSNF has been
conducted by very few researchers with a lack of funding and
amidst the criticism of a very hostile hot fusion community.
Despite these facts, experimental evidence has shown that
solid pycnodeuterium is by far the most excellent fuel for
nuclear fusion, as compared with gaseous deuterium which is
used in thermonuclear fusion. Furthermore, SSNF requires a
very low stimulation energy system. For instance, the laser
welding nuclear fusion used by Arata and Zhang was only
300 watts and generated about 1019 to 1020 particles per 10

These results should increase the research interest and
funding of this field because this new energy source has the
greatest potential for the ultimate green energy solution here
on earth and also the greatest potential and advantage for
space application and exploration. However, this important
field is still facing the same treatment that superconductivity
(or the disappearance of electrical resistance at very low
temperatures) faced when it was first proposed. It was angrily
dismissed by the absolute majority of mainstream scientists
in the field, who considered it pseudoscience, and well
known scientific journals refused to publish any research
about it. Now, of course, superconducting magnets are used
in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines in our
hospitals and magnetic levitation transport is considered as
the future of rail travel. In fact, today there are full-scale
prototypes in Japan and the U.S. and even a commercial high
speed maglev train in service in China. But we must not
forget that superconductivity earned its scientific acceptance
when it started to produce results replicable in any laboratory
with the proper equipment. LENR or SSNF is starting to do
the same, but the progress is very slow. In order for this field
to develop rapidly, international organizations concerned
with the peaceful development of mankind, the environment
and the energy crisis should immediately endorse and
encourage the research and development of this field.

There can be no doubt that these experiments reveal the
existence of a new way nuclei of atoms can interact, which
present nuclear theory cannot explain. Still these results are
viewed by mainstream scientists as pseudoscience. But can
the absence of theoretical explanations be used to dismiss
experimental evidence? Are these findings contrary to the
understanding that we have gained in the last 60 years in the
field of nuclear reactions, as some critics claim? Are we
going to seriously look into these new experimental findings
and modify, add to or change our present theories or are we
going to cling to our age old theories and refuse to face facts?

Based on the history of science, there has always been an
immense resistance to accepting a paradigm shift in
mainstream science. Nevertheless, there is mounting
evidence from this fascinating and emerging area of research
that a third route to produce nuclear energy is possible. This
route is cheaper and cleaner than the other two.

At this time in human history, we are teetering on the
brink of the most serious disasters ever to face us in our long
history—global warming, pollution (air, sea, land), higher
energy costs (rising price of energy), crisis in global food
prices, partly caused by the increasing use of crops for energy
generation, looming global conflicts among powerful nations
as fossil fuels reserves are depleting, a population increase
and a lack of energy for economic development in developing
countries. These are serious issues threatening global stability
and the future of the planet. Thus, the time to invest in and
encourage the research of this field is long overdue, but the
decision will remain in the hand of the political establishment
of the developed world.

Reference Works
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About the Author
Jamal Shrair holds MSc degree in
experimental and theoretical particle physics.
Presently he is a Ph.D. candidate in surface
physics and electron devices at the Budapest
University of Technology and Economics.
*Email: jamalshr...@yahoo.com >>

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