
Which ones did Hagelstein edit?


At 10:15 AM 12/11/2009, you wrote:
Peter Hagelstein sent me his versions of the ICCF-10 papers. There were a few that I did not have, notably two by Kenney, and one by Cecil, about neutrons and charged particles. There were also some Russian papers that Hagelstein edited extensively, plus my own paper that he & changed. Anyway, I uploaded 12 new and revised ICCF-10 papers. See:


In the previous copy of this message, I attached Table of Contents. Maybe that is too big. Anyway, I now have all papers on file except those by Swartz et al.

For several papers, I compared Hagelstein's version to mine and found minimal changes. Looking back, I wish I had edited these papers more aggressively because some of them have serious errors in English grammar. On the other hand, those are mainly by authors who refused assistance from me. For future ICCF proceedings, I think it would be a good idea to force authors to use correct grammar and/or get assistance from native speakers of English.

- Jed

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