Steven Krivit wrote:

I'm sure Shanahan is finding immeasurable entertainment in these messages. Particularly your comment about "certified fruitcake."

It is the season, though, isn't it?

Absolutely! And for the record, I'm crazy about fruitcake, especially made with cognac. I don't know why people dislike it so.

I think that people like Shanahan and Morrison are good for cold fusion, and I appreciate their contributions. They make the researchers look good. They are good foils. Anyone familiar with the facts will see, for example, that Shanahan has a screw loose when he claims:

1. There is no opposition to cold fusion.

2. And because there is no opposition, researchers have been able to convince organizations such as the ENEA and the Italian Physical Society to sponsor conferences, and they have magically hoodwinked experts such as Robert Duncan to believe there is ~1 W input and ~20 W output at Energetics Technology.

He honestly believes that people such as the President of the Italian Physical Society and Duncan are gullible fools who cannot understand basic chemistry, and they have overlooked Shanahan's technical objections. Shanahan, Morrison, Taubes, Park and these others do have monumental self confidence! You have to hand it to them. They think they know more about electrochemistry than Fleischmann or Bockris; more about calorimetry than Duncan; more about tritium than the top experts at Los Alamos and BARC, and more about theoretical physics than Schwinger.

- Jed

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