I'm not sure I understand the conclusions of this paper.

It appears that they found a very large heat of absorption of *either* H
or D into Pd and Pd-Zr powders, but that by itself, while interesting,
doesn't seem to lead anywhere, as you presumably have to give that heat
back in order to get the H or D back out of the lattice.  Right?  Isn't
that exactly analogous to the heat gain when dissolving certain salts? 
It's borrowed, not bought.  Or did I misunderstand that?

On the other hand, the last line of the conclusion seems like the payoff:

" The sample charged with D2 also showed significantly positive
output energy in the second phase after the deuteride formation."

That's in a discussion of the Pd-Zr results, and it presumably relates
to the last two lines of table 1, in which we see that average output
energy of the second phase of the experiments with PZ as being:

  (D)      4.8 +/- 3.0  kJ
  (H)     -1.1 +/- 3.6 kJ

That seems to imply that, if we assume the energy output is actually
positive or zero, then for H they saw something between 0 and 2.6 kJ,
and for D they saw something between 1.8 and 7.8 kJ.  So, if there
really was no difference between D and H (which is apparently not ruled
out by the results), then the output must have been between 1.8 and 2.6 kJ.

That's a bit less than half the energy produced in the first phase.

On 12/19/2009 05:28 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> See:
> Kitamura, A., et al., /Anomalous effects in charging of Pd powders
> with high density hydrogen isotopes./ Phys. Lett. A, 2009. *273*(35):
> p. 3109-3112.
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/KitamuraAanomalouse.pdf
> Prof. Kitamura went to a lot of trouble to get permission from the
> publisher to allow a manuscript version of the paper at LENR-CANR.org.
> So let's give it up for the professor and everyone should read this
> paper. It's important. This plus Kidwell and Arata's own recent
> experiments make what I consider and iron-clad case that the Arata
> effect is real. This could well be the most important breakthrough
> since 1989 because it can be controlled and scaled up, so it may lead
> to practical devices.
> - Jed

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