Response from Prof. Holmlid,

On Mon, 4 Jan 2010 23:35:24 +0100, Leif Holmlid <> wrote:

>Dear Mr. Spaandonk,
>I am well aware of the studies and results of Mills.
>The model we use to understand our results does not require any new
>quantum mechanics or similar devices. The results are rather simple and
>multiple energy levels are not involved, only one level exists. However, the
>material is quite complex since it is condensed matter, apparently both
>superconductive and superfluid. I will read more on your web site,
>thank you for sending me the information.
>Yours sincerely, Leif Holmlid
>At 23:17 2010-01-04, you wrote:
>>Dear Professor,
>>It appears to me that "inverted" Rydberg states implies an inversion of the
>>primary quantum  number to create fractional states. This has been done my
>>Randell Mills ( and also in a variant 
>>thereof by me (see
>> ).
>>Mills model is based upon the creation of "virtual" charge through trapped
>>photons. My model is based upon De Broglie wave wrapping around multiple times
>>before it reconnects with itself.
>>Both models result in 137 sub-Bohr states, however the radius is different. In
>>Mills model the radius goes as the inverted quantum number, in  my 
>>model it goes
>>as the square of the quantum number.
>>Mills has done quite a bit of experimental work since the inception of his
>>theory in 1986, and reports on that work can be found on his 
>>extensive website,
>>where an online version of his book can also be downloaded.
>>Robin van Spaandonk
>Professor Leif Holmlid
>Department of Chemistry
>Atmospheric Science
>University of Gothenburg
>SE-412 96 Goteborg
>phone +46-31-786 9076
>fax +46-31-772 3107 

Robin van Spaandonk

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