Winterberg's recent pdf is enlightening

"It is conjectured that the transition is made possible by the formation of
vortices in a Cooper pair electron fluid, separating the electrons from the
deuterons, with the deuterons undergoing Bose-Einstein condensation in the
core of the vortices. If such a state of deuterium should exist at the
reported density of about 100,000 g/cm3, it would greatly facility the
ignition of a thermonuclear detonation wave in pure deuterium, by placing
the deuterium in a thin disc, to be ignited by a pulsed ultrafast laser or
particle beam of modest energy."

In regard to the "Cooper pair connection," it can be noted that the
superconductivity of loaded palladium goes back before 1989.

It is curious to note the transition temps vs loading on the graph here;mode=researc

and then extend that line up to the loading ratio or Arata at nearly 4:1

and then in connection with Brian Ahern's patent:


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