-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wormus

> What I really need is a heater! It's been an unusually cold winter on the
CO front range this year & my gas bills crazy high just to keep this old
place around 60 degrees.

You should never have given up on those fractional hydrogen gas-discharge
tubes, Ron :)

Seriously, folks - space heating (yawn) is probably the number one most
useful application for either LENR or f/H. It's not fancy, and maybe that's
the problem; and you may only need it for 5 months a year, so palladium is
out, but still ... where's the beef?

Lest we not forget our history - eighteen years ago, Thermacore, Inc. now a
subsidiary of Modine International, ran an nickel light-water electrolytic
cell for over one year continuously for DARPA - and produced more "free
energy" in the form of low grade heat than the entire US "hot fusion
boondoggle" has given us (probably $20 billion down the drain in that same
time frame)... 

You cannot ever convince me that at tenth of the US investment in tokamaks -
if shifted to that program in the early 1990s, would not have resulted in
the availability of a simple space heater for wintertime use.


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