At 04:40 PM 2/9/2010, you wrote:
Lovely page!  Thanks, Harry!

JLN has done a really clear job of describing the effect, well enough
that it can be reproduced and fully analyzed, with, as far as I can see,
no hidden tricks.

Well, to a degree. The explanation is clear, I agree, and this is what the "Orbo effect" is on the face, it's what I came up with from slogging through the Steorn videos....

There are two states: toriod de-energized. The permanent magnets are attracted by the ferrite core of the toroid, and that attraction does work accelerating the coil.

Energized, the coil causes the ferrite core to be non-attractive to the permanent magnets, so they can, having accelerated toward the core, sail on past the core if the timing is right.

So the big question is how much energy it takes to turn on and shut down the toroid and thus the attractiveness of the core. If it can be done with lower energy than the rotor picks up from the "free energy" of attraction, then, indeed, it seems we'd have energy gain.

But measuring that turn-on and shutdown energy isn't particularly simple. Those are high-speed transients, and determining the energy in them simply by watching them on a scope display isn't going to cut it.

Remember, Sean has insisted that he needs the rapid response of the kind of battery he is using, an ability to source large currents. Why? Obviously, large peak currents are needed!

I can't say I was disappointed by the promised February 1 demo, because I didn't expect better. The demo did not convince one of his own "replicators," and, reading Sean carefully, that's quite deliberate. He does not want to explain what is going on, he wants to *sell* that information. He was pretty explicit that he wasn't going to give it away for free!

So what he is basically saying is "Trust me! Do I look like I'd lie to you?"

Yes, unfortunately, quite like that.

Is he lying? Well, I think he's slipped a few times and has lied. Mostly it is obfuscation, deliberately unclear and inconclusive.

Is he committing fraud? Probably not.

Is he sincere? Probably not. Not by now.

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