* * * tangential 'off-topic'//RE: When Holraum-Works/"Kewl" * * *
From: dean To: braghgoerin...@hotmail.com Hey, Jack, won't some of this mess of Blizzard (ie. Super Snow) Language settle down to something a slow, old man like me can understand?? As far as I can tell, all of this should, somehow, fit into the much simpler terminology of the O/S Model. When you talk about "Relativistic Gravity," my response is"Come on, that term is nonsense....l" Dean * * * GRAVION MOMENTUM * * * The 'ultimate' LAW of Physics. . . DEAN: The extended concepts lead to a 'German-like' word-gestalt run-on term structure. It's difficult to get-around it. * * *RELATIVISTIC-GRAVITY means simply that GRAVITY is NOT a constant. GRAVIONIC-CURRENT-MOMENTUM can be computed 'relative' to the strengh of the 'relative energy speed-density' of the said 'objects' &/or 'field-densities.' I could 'shorten/compress' the language but this version is one of the 'SHORTEST' yet. As long as various versions of Physics, be it Oscillator or otherwise, don't acknowledge the BAE-Constant(Base Ambient Space-Time-Normal Energy Speed-Density Constant) as the {ONE-'E'-POINT} and work up form there, then making 'Planck' work via the Wave-Angular Momentum formulae and then cross correlating Einsteinian Energy vs Mass Values then becomes a never-ending 'GLASS BEAD GAME' a la Hermann Hesse. In short; without that COMMON 1-E energy value as a scaler foundation then all subsequent Quantum-Mechanics etc. stands as ultimately disjointed and ultimately irrelevant. (BUT high academic wages via credentials that have become virtually 'Religion' in their largely IMPOTENT-DOGMAs tend to inforce this NOTHING-status-quo. Their quasi-mathmatic sophistry 'talks' a great game while producing a VIRTUAL FANTASY PHYSICS domain of 'infinite fascinating variation' to 'wow' the TV-virtual-reality audience that is NO MORE RELEVANT to Super-REAL-Reality than a 'fart in a snow-storm.') IRRELEVANT because they will thusly NEVER turn any of their gradiose computational constructs into any functional transdimensional hyper-dense energy 'tapping' TECHNOLOGY. FEYMAN was 'closest' in his 'Resonant-Harmonic-Empathic' hyper-intuitive 'leap' to ZPE-Zero Point Energy conceptual posits. The trick is thus, ZERO-POINT does NOT really exist as the BOTTOM is BAE-Constant of 1-E. Simpy: ONE is the bottom integer albeit which 'flys in the face' of our current Terran system of mathmatic-theory. Simply put: Wondrously intricate 'Mathmatic-Gymastics' will NOT get us to where we need to go. Math merely helps us to 'describe' that which we Hyper-Intuitively(Empathic-Resonantly) CONNECT-TO and thus SEE 'face-to-fact' in REAL-TIME. This is what could be called the TESLA PROCESS. Minus 'Tesla-Process' higher GESTALT-transdimensionally penetrating-HYPER INTUITIVE data processing abilities------->we are IN-SHORT, "Pissing in the Wind." Creating the FEYNMAN-BRIDGE which I have referred to as subSingularity-&/or- fullSingularity/Plasma-Breach, and thus linking over DarkEnergyAexoSpace from our much lower-speed-density range in the 'spectrum' is creating the 'hour-glass' which nexus acts as a flow-way of a hydro-electric dam having HIGHER DENSITY WATER naturally flow into LOWER-DENSITY NON-WATER ZONE. This is an exactly-apt picture of that GRAVITY is the FLOW-PROCESS of contrasting Speed-Densities of energy from higher into lower etc. We can 'tap' a flow-channel between our low-density 'Space-Time-Normal' & hyper-density/fluidic Aexo-DarkEnergy-Space via the construction of a fairly simply designed 'Tesla-esque' Superconducting-HighEM-density TOROID GENERATOR. The 'spin-twin' observations of sub-atomic-&/or-Atomic/Quantum Physics-&/or-Quantum-Mechanics are HUGELY PROFOUND as a ROOT-PROCESS of up-gradient/higher speed-density energy fields. This is an observation of UNIVERSAL TRANSDIMENSIONAL FRACTALLATION as the CONNECTING LAW of all ENERGY INTER-FLOW SPECTRUMS aka infinity. FRACTALLATION is ultimately IDENTIFIABLE as the FUNDAMENTALLY DETERMINATE CAUSAL/LAW PHENOMENON that determines FLOW-GRAVIONIC FLUID-DYNAMICs. In short UNIVERSAL COSMIC FRACTALLATION makes 'everything' HAPPEN. And the nature of its INTERFLOW-CURRENT-PROCESSES is itself the definition of GRAVITY aka (I call)GRAVION-MOMENTUM. Cheers & enjoy the WHITE-OUT(not)!-:-)-Jack- Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 18:21:54 -0600 Subject: Re: When Holraum-Works/"If you build it they. . ."Kewl" From: dean To: braghgoerin...@hotmail.com Hey, Jack, won't some of this mess of Blizzard (ie. Super Snow) Language settle down to something a slow, old man like me can understand?? As far as I can tell, all of this should, somehow, fit into the much simpler terminology of the O/S Model. When you talk about "Relativistic Gravity," my response is"Come on, that term is nonsense....l" Dean On 2/8/10, Jack O Suileabhain <braghgoerin...@hotmail.com> wrote: 'T'--> *From Holraum to Relativistic-Gravity to Casimir to&from the Big Bang* > Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 14:50:23 -0500 > Subject: Re: FW: [Vo]:The Hohlraum Works > From: hohlr...@gmail.com > To: vortex-l@eskimo.com > > Kewl! Let's build one! *"If you build it . . . STAND BACK!": The observation circuitry (especially) for the inititial R&D up-boot 'experience' should be all fibre-optic, lensing & heavily heat-shielded signal-carrier due to EM interference and the distinct possibility that 'controlled-fusion' should precipitously 'graduate' into WHITE-HOLE STATUS. This would be brief because AexoDarkEnergy Parallel-Spectrum 'tapping' reponds to 'trans-spectrum fluid dynamics' which tends strongly to 'SHUT' the 'breach.' And this is primarily because we are permeated perforce by the relatively much-larger PLASMA-GRAVIONIC field of our 'Planet's' ambient MASS-CENTRIFIC-GRAVIONIC-TENSOR-field equilibrium. (this project would be somewhat likely to accomplish this version of CROSS-SPECTRUM-VORTICULAR DIALATION escalating 'UP' a bit from mere 'fusion'). And for our purposes, 'a bit' is a bunch. . . And this EARTH TENSOR-GRAVIONIC-field 'shutting' effect is DETERMINATE, and exactly the reason why the CERN-HADRON hysteria/paranoia syndrome over the NON-possibility of their creating ROGUE-BLACK-HOLE singularities is BUNK. Hense sketchy 'reports' & CERN-HADRON of certain EXPLOSIVE ACCIDENTS which they explained rather lamely and incompletely publicized. . . aka . . . 'red-herring misinformation.' SINGULARITY as a multi-level COSMIC ENERGY-FLOW equilibrium fluid-dynamics is the SYSTEMIC-PROCESS-RULE of physics through-out as Super-M-Brane/SuperGravity models indicate. GRAVITY IS NOT A CONSTANT; but rather, GRAVITY is a relativistic QUANTUM-ENERGY-DENSITY-FLOW 'indicator' of those fractallating Cross-Spectrum M-Brane directional-flow fluid-dynamics. More energy 'density' equals more energy-speed equals hyper-energy-fluidity which is makes said 'greater-energy-density-field' hyper viscous/GRAVIONIC to adjacent relatively 'lesser density energy fields. Higher density 'objects' are literally toroidally-REELING-IN and also toroidally compressing the ADJACENT ENERGY-MEMBRANE SPACE. Greater speed-density overwhelms 'lesser' speed-density via higher-viscosity toroidal-(spindal-like)compression. And because ALL OTHER FOCUSED ENERGY DENSITY 'OBJECTS' are doing likewise WE THUSLY OBSERVE that they are thus ALL PULLING THE SAME SHEET like a tug-of-war the thusly 'PULL TOWARD EACHOTHER' at the GRAVIONIC-TOROIDAL-MASS-ACCUMLATION RATE at the SUM of their INDIVIDUAL RATES. THIS OBSERVATION is NEWTONIAN but with a Super-M-Brane/Super Gravity twist. OF COURSE it 'must' also perforce acknowledge that the Super-M-Brane multi-spectrum/wave-infini-sheet is identifiable as BOTH the UBIQUITOUS AEXO-TACHYON-Speed Carrier Wave, and also definable as Parallel-Adjacent ROOT Aexo-DarkEnergy Space. So in Super-M-Brane/AexoTachyonSpeedCarrierWave/AexoDarkEnergy Space theory, the micro-singularity of all atom's protons taps AexoDarkEnergySpace as a Balanced-Gray-Whole Singularity Electro-Valent-Flow system. And thusly accounting for the SOURCE OF THE PROTON'S/Atom's quantum-energy-density & TOROIDAL-GRAVIONIC/CENTRIFIC-DYNAMICS is via BLEED-THROUGH trans-gravionic field tapped from Adjacent-TachyonSpeedWave quasi-DarkEnergy Adjacent-Spectrum AEXOSPACE. VOILA: "The Casimir Effect." AND AexoDarkSpace REELING-IN 'itself' TO 'itself' via Atom-Proton Singularity action, and also to 'itself' causing ALL-Mass/Galaxies to our Universe to RACE to the Outer Borders where the HYPER-FRACTALLATING/HyperFluidicSpeedDensity is also REELING in the BAE-Constant/Base Ambient Universe-Energy sheet as a constant FLOW from the BIG BANG/GREAT WHITE HOLE SINGULARITY from AEXOTACHYONWAVE DarkEnergySpace originally forms from a low-density centre inverse/singularity/plasma-breach of a AexoDARKENERGY TOROID de FRACTAL. This is likely REGULAR PROCESS and our ADJACENT UNIVERSES MANY. We could characterize AexoDarkEnergySpace/Spectrum as a 'Current System of HYPER FACTALATING 'Storms/Maelstroms.' whose 'eyes' breed relativistic 'low density-pin-wholes where the Base Energy Level of DarkSpace is 'under-breached' an begins the SYPHON SYSTEM which is the very BIG BAND creating the 'bubble' of our Universe and everything that we subsequently observe as 'Creation.' SPIN-TWIST relative Speed-Density Compression function determines RATE OF GRAVITATIONAL/GRAVIONIC ATTRACTION. And DarkSpace Fractallating 'spin-twist' is beyond imagining nearly & hense those MYSTERIOUS DARK ENERGY dynamics that we 'know must-be out-there; and which also we detect in part a la' the 'back-ground-field.' IN SHORT: 'Singularity Equibrium Dynamics' as a massive SYSTEM/Process is the CENTRAL LAW OF THE COSMOS & ALL OF ITS PHYSICS. The SYMPTOM of this TransSpectrum/TransDimensional Singularity Fluid-Dynamic is RELATIVISTIC GRAVION-CENTRIFIC current speed/density dynamics which is UBIQUITOUSLY FRACTAL in nature and in very-short 'RELATIVISTIC-GRAVITY' as we are waking-up to. Ciao-Jack Harbach O'Sullivan- _________________________________________________________________ Do you have a story that started on Hotmail? Tell us now http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/195013117/direct/01/