
I think it is a little more complicated than that although you are on the
right track. In my opinion The trick is vacuum flux are moving on the time
axis so from their perspective your "box" has 6 sides -they manifest while
traveling from the future side to the past side while the other 4 sides
located in 3D space appear flattened out to a "width" = to what we perceive
as the "present". Casmir "plates" can force these fluctuations to shrink,
squeezing through the lattices to achieve "equivalent" acceleration from our
perspective just like a large gravitational mass but on a mesoscopic scale.
It is the tiny cavity between the plates that produces  something the macro
scale cannot, "equivalent deceleration", The squeezed fluctuations
accumulate a pressure behind the plates that is suddenly released by the
cavity forming a fast moving vortex/venture. Instead of slowing time by
opposing fluctuation flow, the cavity accelerates time flow.


You can ignore the temporal and conservation of energy aspects  if you put
it in terms of catalytic action which really just disguises these terms but
avoids a lot of controversy. This puts your present description on the right
track, you have a time machine in the form of a rigid catalyst, you have the
uncertainty principle driving gas law to keep atoms in motion, you have
natures preference for a diatomic state and apparently you also have natures
resistance to molecular motion in a catalytic environment but we know
disassociated hydrogen can make a non radiative translation to fractional
state. This suggests that a fractional molecule formed 

>From these translated atoms also opposes catalytic action (change in Casimir
force) so that the atomic motion of gas law provides relative motion with
the stationary plates producing changes in Casmir force which break the bond
- It is during this period while vacuum fluctuations are accumulating
boundary conditions in opposition to the covalent bond that the potential
for reactionless drive exist. The Plasma is produced at the moment of
molecular formation locking the atomic fractional states proportional to
local plate geometry, the molecule then moves based on gas law with the
fractional states trying to change but opposed by the covalent bond, If this
"post plasma" but "pre bond break" gas can be driven preferentially on one
axis it may provide the elusive "ether oar".  If I had the ability to create
black light plasma I would put the device in a nonferrous balance scale and
change the opposing weights while the unit was on and compare to changing
the weights while the unit is off - My theory is that the "settle" time
would be much slower with the plasma on then off because of these increased
boundary conditions.



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