>From Don W.:

> http://www.bloomenergy.com/
> http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/411/
> http://green.venturebeat.com/2010/02/19/fuel-cell-maker-bloom-energy-finally-sheds-cloak-of-mystery-this-sunday/
> Google the following:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> bloom energy fuel cell
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=bloom+energy+fuel+cell&aq=1sx&aqi=g-s1g-sx2g-s1g-sx6&oq=bloomenergy

Needless to say rampant blogging, both pro and con,  is in full swing
in regards to the legitimacy of this new technology. I hope they
succeed. Inevitably a few bloggers have already speculated that
certain fossil fuel energy companies will try to buy them out so that
the technology can be buried - out-of-sight out-of-mind. I find such
speculation to be absurd. If anything natural gas companies should be
jumping up and down for glee. They will help fund it! The rampant
manufacture of bloom boxes spreading across the planet like an
unchecked virus is likely to guarantee a bright & secure future for
all natural gas companies and their share holders for decades to come.

What interests me more is the likelihood that bloom boxes may help
usher in a subtle shift in global consciousness as individuals,
neighborhood, villages, and countries begin to realize the fact that
it is no longer necessary to rely on the construction of centralized
(and vulnerable to terrorism) power plants. The planet's consciousness
will gradually swing towards a novel concept: That energy
self-sufficiency starts in the home, and not at some massive power
plant located 300 miles away. Later, as newer and even more exotic AE
technologies, such as cold fusion, or BLP finally get their act in
gear and start manufacturing their own devices I suspect there will be
few BloomBox customers who will bat and eye and trade in their
"bloomboxes" for an even better and cleaner (a true CO2 free)

I suspect it's likely that most of the developing countries,
particularly those with undeveloped centralized power infrastructures
in place, are likely to reap tremendous benefits from the "bloombox" -
probably far more immediate benefits than most developed nations are
likely to feel.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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