On Mar 11, 2010, at 4:54 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:


I got spammed this morning with an eMail from a startup company called
AlumiFuel Power Inc. Don't know how I got on their preferred customer list.


They claim to deliver five times the energy density (runtime) of lithium

I'll be curious to hear what the Collective might have to say about their
bold claims, particularly the process.

The lower right photo of one of two "cartridges" looks like a pristine
aluminum soda can, sans printed labeling. It even seems to possess a pop-top
opener. Perhaps it's cheap to buy in bulk! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

What they don't tell you is what it takes to "recharge". Aluminum metal requires vast amounts of energy to create.

Following is a 2002 post of mine on this subject.

Subject: Down with hydrogen economy, up with aluminum economy

On Feb 6, 2002, at 4:22 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

Here is some fuel for thought!  8^)

The CRC Handbook gives the Gibbs energy of formation for Al2O3 and H2O in
kJ/mol as follows:

   Al2O3:  -1582.3 kJ/mol

   H2O:    -228.6 kJ/mol

Given atomic weight of Al is 26.98, and H is 1.007, we have the following
output per gram of input for the two fuels:

   Al2O3:  (-1582.3 kJ/mol)/(2 * 26.98g/mol) = 29.32 kJ/g

   H2O:    (-228.6 kJ/mol)/(2 * 1.007g/mol) = 113.5 J/g

Though only about 1/4 as efficient as hydrogen for energy storage by
weight, aluminum is far easier and safer to store and transport, and 29.32 kJ/g, or 30 MJ/kg, is very acceptable. At 7.14 g/cm^2 density, Al provides (30 kJ/g)/(7.14 g/cm^3) = 4.11 kJ/cm^3, or 4.11 MJ per liter of Al, a very acceptable amount. That's 1.14 kWh, or 1.52 hp hours, enough to run a 1.52
hp motor for an hour.  At a typical 7 hp cruising speed that is a fuel
consumption of (7 hp)/(1.52 hp h/l) = 5 l/hr. If the vehicle maintains 50 mph, then the fuel consumption is (50 mi)/(5 l) = 10 miles per liter of fuel. A 100 mile fillup would consist of 10 liters of fuel, or 71.4 kg of

If we obtain the energy from the aluminum by pyrolisis, then we have the side benefit of obtaining hydrogen for either immediate recombination with
air, or for temporary high pressure storage.  Electrolysis, a bit
mysteriously, seems to work just as well, or even better, in terms of
mol/amp and mol/J, at high pressures as at low pressure. Using pyrolisis also permits us to more directly obtain energy from breaking and to convert it to heat, which can be used to drive a motor for charging a battery, and
to produce high pressure hydrogen for storage.

Since the pyrolisis of Al removes the oxygen from water, the hydrogen is evolved at the rate of 3 mols of H per mol of Al, thus 3(-228.6 kJ/ mol) is produced for each (-1582.3 kJ/mol) of Al, or an extra 685.8 kJ per 1582.3 kJ produced from Al oxidation, or an about 43.3 percent extra energy from the evolved hydrogen. This raises the apparent energy output of the Al to
41.93 kJ/g.

All the heat produced in a well insulated pyrolisis cell, including
resistance heat from the electrolysis current, is converted to either steam
or evolved gas.  If effective use of the steam can be made to drive an
engine, then the process should be very efficient for transportation
purposes. Energy tapped off the output to drive the pyrolisis would be fed back to the input side. The vehicle efficiency then depends fully on the
efficiency of the steam engine or sterling engine employed.

The powdered aluminum oxide effluent that is produced can be filtered and
collected for recycling at fill-up stations.

Magnesium would work too, but is toxic, and berylium would provide more kJ's per gram, and the largest MJ/m^3 of any chemical fuel, but is toxic.
Aluminum is common.  Even aluminum cans can be recycled into fuel.

Up with the aluminum economy!

Hope I got all the right.  8^)


Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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