>From Terry,

> http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2010/thermopower-waves-0308
> <excerpt>
> "A previously unknown phenomenon
> In the new experiments, each of these electrically and thermally
> conductive nanotubes was coated with a layer of a reactive fuel that
> can produce heat by decomposing. This fuel was then ignited at one end
> of the nanotube using either a laser beam or a high-voltage spark, and
> the result was a fast-moving thermal wave traveling along the length
> of the carbon nanotube like a flame speeding along the length of a lit
> fuse. Heat from the fuel goes into the nanotube, where it travels
> thousands of times faster than in the fuel itself.  As the heat feeds
> back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided
> along the nanotube. With a temperature of 3,000 kelvins, this ring of
> heat speeds along the tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread
> of this chemical reaction. The heating produced by that combustion, it
> turns out, also pushes electrons along the tube, creating a
> substantial electrical current. "

Additional Excerpt:

"After further development, the system now puts out energy, in proportion
to its weight, about 100 times greater than an equivalent weight
of lithium-ion battery."

Steven Vincent Johnson

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