The following article describes stunningly robust and repeatable particle generating experiments using only compressed hydrogen, welding electrodes, and welder power:

Santilli,2008,"Apparent confirmation of Don Borghi’s experiment on the laboratory synthesis of neutrons from protons and electrons", in press at the Hadronic Journal

Santilli invents special particles, neutroids and atherinos, to make sense of the anomalous experimental results, which include neutral particles that look like neutrons in some counter and not others. This article has some points that are strikingly coincidental with the strange matter creation scenarios in my "Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions article: CFnuclearReactions.pdf

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These highly coincidental similarities consist of (1) unusual particle characteristics indicated by inconsistent particle counts depending on counter type, (2) a missing energy source, (3) neutral particle detection range consistent with K0_long, and (4) an ability to "activate" material in the neutron counter itself, causing it to go off later when distant from the experiment.

Quote describing deduced unusual neutral particle characteristics:

"The above measurements can be summarized by stating that an electric
discharge within a hydrogen gas at a few psi pressure and atmospheric
temperature (as above described) produces ”entities” that:
1) Are not hydrogen atoms (because in that case no nuclear transmutation
would be conceivably possible);
2) Have dimensions of the order of 1 fm as for all hadrons (otherwise
the detectors would show no counts);
3) Are neutral (otherwise they would not move through walls);
4) Are stable for hadron standards (more accurate data being grossly
premature at this writing);
5) Remain initially confined within the arc chamber under steady conditions,
to slowly exit, except for the case of production under implosion
causing rapid propagation;
6) Are generally released hours following the tests, with anomalous
counts lasting for weeks;
7) Are not necessarily neutrons (otherwise we would have ordinary neutrons
In fact, all detectors systematically behaved in an anomalous way, namely, in a way different than that for direct neutron detection as defined by the
manufacturers of the equipment."

Quotes noting missing energy source:

"... where is the missing energy of 0.78 MeV originating from?
Evidently, there are only three possible answers [7]:
1) The missing 0.78 MeV are provided by the relative kinetic energy of
the proton and the electron. However, in this case the p − e cross section is very small (of the order of 10−20 barns). Consequently, any possible
synthesis of the proton and the electron at 0.78 MeV kinetic energy is
virtually impossible.
2) The missing 0.78 MeV originate from the environment surrounding
the neutron synthesis. This possibility is quite plausible for the synthesis of the neutron in the core of stars, where all needed energy is indeed available. However, the environment of both Don Borghi’s and Santilli’s tests cannot
provide the missing 0.78 MeV (in ways other than the relative kinetic
energy) due to the very low density of the hydrogen gas and other reasons. 3) The missing 0.78 MeV originate from the aether as a universal substratum
with very high energy density, as conjectured, apparently for the
first time, by santilli [7]. "

Quote indicating particle detection consistent with range (5') of K0- long (1.71 m):

"However, about three hours following the test, detector PM1703GN
entered into sonic and vibration alarms, specifically, for neutron detections
off the instrument maximum of 99 cps at about 5' distance from the
klystron while no anomalous photon emission was measured. ...
The detector was then returned to the laboratory and we were surprised to see it entering again into sonic and vibrational alarms at about 5' away from the arc chamber with the neutron count off scale without appreciable detection
of photons, at which point the laboratory was evacuated for safety."

It is further notable that the half-life of strange matter created in the energy deficit LENR conditions I proposed in my article is unknown, especially for those strange hadrons bound to other hadrons. Also unknown is the half life of the K0 itself, when created in the proposed energy deficit conditions. It is further notable that the strange matter decay proposed results in delayed neutron generation remote from the LENR reactor.

I did not propose strange reactions as a primary source of LENR energy, but rather as a predicted effect which, even if observed with small frequency, but high reliability, would serve to confirm the deflation fusion theory. It appears possible strange matter creation in this specific case may occur reliably and in much higher proportions than I would have predicted. All highly speculative of course.

The obvious problems with pursuing this experiment are (a) the hazards, (b) the expensive basic equipment required to do the experiment, and (c) the expense of neutron counters, reliable neutron alarms, and shielding.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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