'Cold fusion' moves closer to mainstream acceptance

A potential new energy source so controversial that people once
regarded it as junk science is moving closer to acceptance by the
mainstream scientific community. That's the conclusion of the
organizer of one of the largest scientific sessions on the topic --
"cold fusion" -- being held in San Francisco for the next two days in
the Moscone Center during the 239th National Meeting of the American
Chemical Society (ACS).

"Years ago, many scientists were afraid to speak about 'cold fusion'
to a mainstream audience," said Jan Marwan, Ph.D., the internationally
known expert who organized the symposium. Marwan heads the research
firm, Dr. Marwan Chemie in Berlin, Germany. Entitled "New Energy
Technology," the symposium will include nearly 50 presentations
describing the latest discoveries on the topic.

The presentations describe invention of an inexpensive new measuring
device that could enable more labs to begin cold fusion research;
indications that cold fusion may occur naturally in certain bacteria;
progress toward a battery based on cold fusion; and a range of other
topics. Marwan noted that many of the presentations suggest that cold
fusion is real, with a potential to contribute to energy supplies in
the 21st Century.

"Now most of the scientists are no longer afraid and most of the cold
fusion researchers are attracted to the ACS meeting," Marwan said.
"I've also noticed that the field is gaining new researchers from
universities that had previously not pursued cold fusion research.
More and more people are becoming interested in it. There's still some
resistance to this field. But we just have to keep on as we have done
so far, exploring cold fusion step by step, and that will make it a
successful alternative energy source. With time and patience, I'm
really optimistic we can do this!"


Interesting note:  Google ads placed an ad on this page for the Cold
Fusion Software.  :-)

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