In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:17:42 -0700 (PDT):
>Iron-nitrogen compound forms strongest magnet known
>March 22, 2010 by Lin Edwards   
>Fe16N2. Image credit: Kikkawa 
>( -- A group of scientists from the 
>University of 
>Minnesota say that Fe16N2 crystals 
>are more magnetic than the most 
>magnetic material previously known, and 
>its magnetism exceeds the 
>predicted limit of magnetism for a material. 


"If the magnets can be manufactured commercially they could allow computer
manufacturers to use smaller write heads that could hold more information. The
findings were reported at the American Physical Society’s meeting this month."

..this is typical of reporters. Write heads don't "hold" any information. What
was meant was that smaller write heads would allow the production of disks that
hold more information. 


Robin van Spaandonk

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