>From Abd:


> If the value turns out to be 48 MeV instead of 24, I'm
> not offended at all. But I'll wonder what other products
> there are in sufficient quantities to explain that. In
> fact, if it's lower than 24, I'm not offended, it would
> simply indicate other reactions besides those which
> turn deuterium into helium are involved. There is no
> law that says every reaction in a CF cell must be one
> particular form. (And it's highly unlikely that there
> are *no* other reactions at all, but it's looking like
> they are relatively rare, by comparison.)

Would you care to give your best guestamate (don't worry, I won't hold
you to it) on how much is theorized to be due to d+d = He+24 MeV, and
how much might be due to other processes?

Incidentally, to the rest of the Vort Collective, please feel free to
add your own speculations as to what these ratios or percentages might
possibly be.

I'm only asking for reasonable speculation. IOW, speculation is just
that: Speculation.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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