And what would be their motive?

Suppressing CF? This requires that the 'bad guys' perceive CF as a serious 
threat. I have heard it argued that the 'energy companies' would wish to 
suppress CF, but much more likely is that they will if CF shows any promise 
commercially simply buy the intellectual property up.  Given the willingness of 
CFers to spread the knowledge publicly if would not be hard, or even that 
expensive.  A cautionary strategy would be simply to take an ownership position 
in any CF venture showing promise.  Again, not expensive to do, given the 
underfunding of CF research.


On Apr 2, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Steven V Johnson wrote:
>> I must admit that I remain unconvinced that there had been a
>> conspiracy to silence Mallove - insofar as planning to kill him.
> I never believed for a second that Gene was killed in a conspiracy, or that 
> his death had anything to do with cold fusion.
> You would have to kill dozens of people to suppress cold fusion. Most of them 
> are old and will die soon anyway, so why go to the trouble?
> - Jed

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