>From Kyle,
> With some spare time over the weekend, and little to do (a rarity), I
> decided to make a crystal-less crystal radio. Inspired by Nyle
> Steiner's work (google him, he is a god among amateur scientists), I
> conducted a couple hour's worth of experimenting with using flames as a
> detection method for RF. No kidding, it works!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMQEiRWoiJw
> Is it practical? No. Was it fun? Oh yes.
> Unanswered questions: why are American kids not doing this sort of
> thing? Why are they relying on their iPhones to do everything? "There's
> an app for that... guh..."
> --Kyle, longing for the days of Heathkit and the OLD Radio Shack...

All good points, Kyle. The only individual I can think of that is trying to
reverse this trend is Dean Kamen, inventor of Segway. Segway is also not
"practical" but it's still an impressive product that has found a niche
market. And who knows...

Steven Vincent Johnson

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