*John-Some more interesting conversations on MICRO-BLACK-HOLED-PROTONS vs 
Matter/Anti-Matter~:-)  Cheers Bro!  Life is GOOD~;-)---Jack*

DEAN:  Once the proton is gone full MICRO-BLACK-HOLE STATUS it is a PAST THE 
And there is pretty much NO 'back-again.'
And 'Balanced Grey-Hole Status'  connotes a 'constant Hydrogen-Normal' 
state.(at least the way that I defined it).
And FUSION is an 
escalated/energized/MICRO-SINGULARITY-ATOMIC-NUCLEUS---->thusly 'stimulated' to 
further DIALATE  to White-Hole-Status
thusly PORTALING-Einstein-Rosen'wise  MUCHO-XTRA-INGRESS AexoHyperSpace 
Super-Plasma.  And this accounts for the FANTASTIC YIELDS of
the FUSION REACTION.  Adding this is that 'Solar-Stars' also make a 
Thus black-hole'ized Protons are indeed the ANTI-PROTON STATE, & the 
balanced-grey-hole MICRO-SINGULARITY-SYSTEM is the Atomic-Matter-Normal state 
of matter etc.
As far as the alleged 'observations' I would tend to conjecture that 
are energetically-impact-destabilized-collapsed into 
MICRO-BLACK-HOLE-STATUS---------------------->BUT--------------------->some of 
the Protons  'rebound' back into BALANCED GREY-HOLE SYSTEMIC matter-normal 
status and DO NOT 'fall' completely into micro-black-hole status; and 'thus'  
the 'Sin-vree' observations.
------>Regards, Jack

Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 16:48:53 -0500
Subject: Re: Micro-Black-Hole "Higher Energy State," more motion content per 
unit oscillation of accelerated proton.
From: dean
To: braghgoerin...@hotmail.com

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Jack O Suileabhain <braghgoerin...@hotmail.com> 

DEAN PARAPHRASED by Jack:  Micro-Black-Hole "Higher Energy State," more motion 
content per unit oscillation of accelerated proton.
comment:  'Exactly correct!'  your 'more motion content per unit oscillation'  
is what I've been calling "Black-Hole-Singularity/DarkEnergy super Aexoplasma 
& the 'B-unit' anti-matter/matter observation are observing this 'tri-chotomy' 
from  Protons moving from 'fractional-momentary' 
MICRO-WHITE-HOLE-STATUS(super-matter/'fusion')-thru->Balanced MICRO GREY-HOLE 
STATUS(matter)-->to collapsed MICRO-BLACK-HOLE-STATUS(anti-matter).

I think you are on the right track above, but aren't they observing,, in my 
terms, change from "matter" unit, through the "inversion state," ( very 
possibly at the "Sin-Vree entity"  of 4.7 x 10^-19 cm and gm. )    ' to the 
anti-matter state, and then back again? I. therefore, would be inclined to 
switch the definitions of "white hole and grey hole,"  with the grey being the 
"fused state at the instant of inversion." 

~Slowly but surely we are getting on the 'same page;' which is 'extremely 

Looks like, maybe, if I worked at it, I coulld develop a dictionary of sorts 
translating your words into mine.  i"d say they are obserivng the two opposite 
states of the particular unit, one, the presumably "matter" state, the  'longer 
time extant part of the cycle" made up presumably of electrons and proton 
combined or fused in some way, and the other, the reversed situation wherein 
the "fused" oscillator unit could be considered to be formed from positrons and 
anti-protons.   Since this state is not normally observed,  it would be 
expected to be "higher energy  per unit 'Time" " and shorter 'life" as the 
motion   ("Energy")content of each half of the cycle would be the same.  
All of this appears to follow from the O/S view that matter is composed of 
physically smaller oscillator operating within much larger oscillator 
Yes, it appears that we may be making some headway at understanding  the 
"private jargons of each of us."    Cheers. Dean 

ABOVE RE: * * *HOWEVER:  Being able to FIRE-DIRECT a stream of BLACK-HOLE STATE 
ACCELERATED PROTONS aka 'Micro-Black-Holes' is probably DOABLE & would make ONE 
HECK OF A POTENT WEAPON>(maybe already in existence)< Cheers Jack Harbach 

Ka-sala had a comment agreeing with this.   It  is interesting to figure what 
the technology would be of such a weapon.or propulsion device.   The use of 
known acceleration techniques for electrons  and "massive particles " would 
seem to me to have some possible interesting reversal effects, if applied to 
protons.   However, it might be possible, if, as I suspect, the proton spends a 
fraction of time as it "anti-unit," to construct some sort of an oscillating 
field to focus and direct the  anti-unit, form which would react much as an 
electron in response to electromagnetic fields....In so far as I know, of 
course, technology of such a form as to be able to coordinate to the 
Matter-Anti-Matter Oscillation Frequency of the Proton, has not been developed. 
(That frequency has not been even suspected, much less determined, at least to 
my knowledge.)  However, I have no access to what ever may be going on in the 
deep recesses of some government's labs. 

Inserted note:
[ I just realized that "accelerating the Anti-Matter form" is probably saying 
exactly the same as your term "Black Hole State Accelerated," as the 
anti-matter form can be considered to reside within the "Black Hole"  of any 
entity, that portion of the entity below the inversion threshold which is not 
normally observable in our universe. This form would be a "higher Energy 
State," more motion content per unit oscillation, hence, in balance with the 
usually observed form, "existing" for a shorter time.   This, of course, is 
what has been observed by Matter-Anti-Matter researchers dealing with the "B-s" 

I certainly have no idea who what made some of Russia's Mars Explorer 
Expeditions meet unexpected fates, or what caused those pictures of the far 
side of Mars which look a lot like some sort of military base.    Who knows, my 
theorizing may be as far behind as the two Century old bits of data that are so 
fundamental to it.....Cheers, Dean 

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