I love these radio controlled airplanes, but I am an inept pilot, so they
seldom last long in my hands. My kids get me one at Christmas and they
seldom last through New Years. However, last week I got a Parkzone brand
ultramicro class "Night Vapor." My daughter, our neighbor and I flew it many
times over an hour or two, and crashed it several times in the high grass,
but it is still in mint condition. It is the easiest and most controllable
one I have seen. It has a bunch of LEDs on it, and it looks great flying at
night. Just what you need to start a UFO rumor!

Specs: http://secure.hobbyzone.com/PKZU1180.html

I am embarrassed to admit how expensive these things are. $100!

The battery is tiny and holds and incredible amount of charge: 70mAh 3.7V
14C Li-Po. It is held in with Velcro, which is an improvement over previous

They are improving these things year by year. I look forward to ones with
on-board cameras that allow you to see the vantage point on the
airplane. Someone on YouTube has already made a video of this with a Night
Vapor. It must be a very light camera. I do not know if it was in real-time,
broadcast back to the ground. I suppose it was.

- Jed

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