Froarty  in reply to JohnEB  Ether and the Theory of 
  @ HSG on September 11th, 2010, 4:19 pm  UPDATED 10/20/2010
John, Excellent thread, as you stated "Only we must be on our guard against 
ascribing a state of motion to the ether." I agree that motion implies a 
spatial velocity where there is none  but a Neo Lorentzian perspective allows 
the ether to exist 90 degrees displaced from 3D space just like time.  Like 
time we can only detect dilation in the ether when measured relativsticly.  
This  modified LET also explains why the Michaelson and Moreley experiment 
failed to detect any spatial bias because a 4th dimensional axis is equally 
displaced from each spatial axis. Time dilation occurs in a gravitational well 
and I posit the ether is "stretched" to keep our rods and rulers scaled to the 
environment.  inhabitants in said "stretched" ether would be unaware of any 
time dilation regardless of how acute until a relative measurement can be 
afforded, when for instance, the accelerated Twin in the Twin Paradox returns 
to the same frame as the unaccelerated twin. Consider 3D space as a spatial 
plane representing the X axis while this "stationary" Ether exists on the same 
axis as time on the Y axis.  One can argue whether time is isotropic because at 
the macro scale it has such a slow changing gradient as you increase velocity 
or enter a gravitational well and even then you must depend on relative measure 
to detect any changes. I am positing that at the quantum scale this gradual 
accumulation of a gravity well can be greatly amplified by EM supression due to 
Casimir geometry. See  "Cavity 
QED"<> by Zofia 
Bialynicka-Birula which proposes an abrupt break in isotropy between Casimir 
plates. Like a much larger gravitational mass the exterior of the Casimir 
plates opposes the intersection of this etheric Y axis with the spatial plane 
but unlike the macro example of a gravity well a Casimir amplified opposition 
can also be manipulated into accelerating the intersection rate when a tiny 
hole occurs to release some of this accumulated opposition into a tiny 
concentrated stream / venturi (like a small hole in a sail the wind whistles 
through faster than the ambient wind speed). This may explain why DiFiore et 
all  were unable to accumulate any gravitational effects in their research 
using stacked cavities - the pressures are really just segregated outside vs 
inside and diffused vs concentrated. No asymetrical effects can be exploited 
using cavities alone and you need migrating gas atoms that have an affinity for 
one energy density/ pressure vs the other to exploit this segragation of force.
Claims of change in radioactive decay rates when material is diffused in 
catalytic powders could also be based on this affinity . Most claims are of an 
appreciably accelerated decay rate but there are also a few claims of a  modest 
delay in decay rate. This relativistic segregation by a Casimir cavity suggests 
the delayed decay is due to the weak opposition diffused over the exterior of 
the cavity and the accelerated decay is due to the lower energy density inside 
the cavity. The physical path and affinity of different gases to different 
surface geometries could explain which energy densities have the most effect on 
a particular radioactive material.

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