Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> If Vyosotski's work can't be replicated, okay, maybe he made some mistakes.
> Science advances through mistakes. But I don't see any sign that anyone has
> tried to replicate him.

Of course no has tried to replicate him! If you are serious, you are more
naive than I thought. It would be career suicide for a professional
scientist to suggest a replication, or even talk about this work.

I do not suppose that professional scientists spend their lives looking over
their shoulders, worried about public opinion, or what Robert Park may say
about them. That's an exaggeration. On the other hand, anyone who has gotten
as far as graduate school will know about academic politics, and will know
there are some lines you do not cross. Cold fusion is over that line, and
Vyosotski is wa-a-a-y past cold fusion, even farther over that line. For a
scientist to discuss it would be like a U.S. politician going out on
weekends on WWII reenactments dressed as a member of the Waffen-SS, like
this nitwit did:


- Jed

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