I am going for turkeydinner now.  I will post the rejected paper for all to 
read tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 25, 2010 12:40 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:as expected my paper was rejected

In regards to the rejection letter:
> If Znidarsic were able to derive Planck's constant for real,
 he would have a major fundamental result.  However, no physicist
 is going to agree with Znidarsic's argument for the connection
 between the energy and frequency of a photon.  A physicist wants
 to see a physical argument that can be understood.  Znidarsic has
 not given an understandable physical argument.  There are words
 written down, and there are also some formulas.  However, the
 words written are not helpful in making a physical argument. 
 The formulas seem vaguely connected to the words. 
 Based on what has been written, one wonders whether Znidarsic
 understands the physical principles behind Maxwell's equations,
 or the Schrodinger equation.  Is Znidarsic familiar with Dirac's
 quantization of Maxwell's equations, which derives the connection
 between the photon energy and photon frequency using very good
 physical arguments.  Moreover, there are a great many experiments
 that have been done which seem to strongly support Dirac's theory
 for the quantized electromagnetic field.
 I cannot recommend for the publication of this paper.  The author
 seems not to understand how to motivate or present a physical
 argument, he does not seem to be familiar with basic ideas that
 appear in classic works on the problems he addresses, and the
 ideas that he does put forth don't seem to make any sense.
The first paragraphs strikes me as quite revealing. No wonder the physics
stablishment doesn't want to deal with your theory.
To be honest I'm not in a position to judge the merits of your controversial
heories. Nevertheless, I often tend to sympathize with the "minority
eport" POV, and as such, would like to see your views at least get equal
It seems to me that your critics have potentially sowed the actual seeds of
heir eventual downfall. By that I mean you might want to focus on
larifying in subsequent papers what it is that your critics are "missing"
n their review of your theories. Many of your critics seem to be
nsinuating the assumption you don't really understand certain fundamental
aws of physics. At least that is what they are attempting to paint you as:
omeone who is basically ignorant, eccentric, deluded, and as such, why
hould they give you and your zany ideas the time of day. At this point it
s now up to you to state as clearly as you can that yes you DO clearly
nderstand their concerns, that you DO understand the laws of physics as
learly they have stated them to be, and how the established theories differ
rom your theories AND WHY. Give your readers reasons as to why they might
ant to reconsider the rigidity of certain "fundamental" assumptions in
hysics in favor of pursuing your theories. 
Finally, are there experiments that can be performed to falsify the validity
f your theories. Are there experiments that can be performed that clearly
how why your theories might more accurately predict what Nature is doing as
ompared to what the prevailing theories predict Nature ought to be doing?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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