
When I say gas atoms see themselves as totally normal inside the cavity but
time is accelerated inversely proportional to the cube of the spacing
between Casimir plates I am simply applying a relativistic interpretation to
the Casimir formula. That is to say the longer vacuum wavelengths are not
suppressed between Casimir plates but rather space time transforms to allow
the longer wavelengths to fit - As you pointed out the increase in energy
density due to a large mass such as a black hole slows time (down shifting
radiation) while a cavity suppresses energy density and therefore
accelerates time from our perspective. In both cases it is based on
equivalent acceleration but in the case of Casimir suppression it amplifies
the rate at which it accumulates and then uses it as a reservoir to release
abrupt negative acceleration (a ventori) where cavity geometry occurs

The plates. Since the energy density is even lower than the level outside
the plates which accumulated the reservoir it is a negative energy density
from our perspective.


My premise is that the relativistic interpretation can escape the limits
imposed by Liftshitz and others on Casimir plates through Lorentz

Of gas atoms inside the cavity. I think a Lorentz contracted gas atom can
sidestep the fall off in Casimir force approaching a plate boundary and
becomes even further contracted - allowing a scale down to Casimir
dimensions that would appear to violate these limits from our perspective. A
sort of Cascading effect where locally the gas atom still see the distance
between the plates remaining near a maximum for Casimir force while from our
perspective outside the cavity the atom could contract into cavities even
smaller than an uncontracted atom without violating the limit from it's own
local perspective. 





On Sat, 08 Jan 2011 14:39:22 -0800 mixtent said

Where do you get this equation?



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