At 03:21 PM 1/16/2011, Jed Rothwell falsely wrote:
Mitchell Swartz <> wrote:
   Jed Rothwell was exposed in this thread falsely purporting that Dr. Arata and myself
posted to Wikipedia about him.

"Oh for goodness sake, I meant other people at Wikipedia attack me.....
Nowhere does that indicate you or Arata post to Wikipedia. Get a grip!
- Jed"

  Rothwell -- who brought this all up to begin with --
is mistaken, and proven indelibly inaccurate by his own posts
just in the last 72 hours.  It says exactly that in clear English.
These, especially #1, easily demonstrate that he is confabulating again.

Rothwell (projecting, falsely stating):
"Beware also of the personal attacks.... (blah blah blah) ....
On Wikipedia they even attack me! These attacks are often made by jealous rivals such
as Arata and Swartz. Don't fall for them. ...(blah blah blah) ...."
[Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:39:04;
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Input power must be far lower than ~10 kW]

Rothwell (projecting, falsely stating):
"I am sorry to keep harping on this, but it is a prime example
of the way some cold fusion researchers attack research by others
in this field, for irrational reasons. Swartz, Arata
and others are often as bad as the worst skeptics."
[Sun, 16 Jan 2011 08:06:24; Subject: Re: [Vo]:
Input power must be far lower than ~10 kW]


  Conclusion #1:
 These posts by Rothwell reflect delusional projections
of Jed Rothwell's mind which in reality are untrue,
unfounded. This is sadly typical of his repertoire
which is when researchers do not agree with Rothwell,
he targets them with his vitriol.

  Conclusion #2:
  After putting on educational Colloquia on Cold Fusion
for almost two decades, these attacks by Jed Rothwell
are scurrilous.



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