Here are some calculations that imply certain water/humidity effects which
should have been observed at the demo. 

This is from an associate LENR researcher - Jeff Morriss, in response to the
other issues on steam/vapor raised by Jeff Driscoll and Peter van Noorden,
which so far do not have convincing answers. 
Nagel states that 150 grams of water are boiled every 30 sec, or 5 cc/sec.
Taking the density of steam at 100C as .590 Kg/m**3 and ratio-ing it against
the density of liquid water as 1000 kG/m**3 yields a volume increase of
1690. So each 5 cc of water is converted into 8450 cc of steam every second.
If we estimate the area of the vent hose at ~1 cm**2, then the steam
velocity must be 8450 cm/sec of 84.5 m/sec. This is about 1/4 the speed of
sound and should produce quite a jet of steam. Did anyone observe this?
Also, the steam would condense and quickly produce a saturated atmosphere
and condensation on metal surfaces. Again, did anyone observe this?
Here is a second sanity check. The specific heat of dry air at 1 atm is 1.14
kJ/Km**3. If we assume a room volume of 300 m**3 (about the size of an
average classroom) then it takes
 (300 m**3)*(1.14 kJ/Km**3) = 342 kJ 

to raise the temperature of the room by one degree.  The energy required to
boil 18 liters of water is 4.7E4 kJ. So if no heat escaped the room and we
ignored the additional energy change due to an increase in relative humidity
then the ambient temperature should have increased by 4.7e4/342 or about 137
degrees C.  Even if the air in the room cycled every 6 minutes (and that
would require special ventilation) the ambient would still rise by 13.7C,
which would be noticeably hot and muggy.
Finally, the 4.7E4 kJ/hour is equivalent to 1.31E4J/sec. As a basis of
comparison, it would be equivalent to 240V at 54 Amps, which is the capacity
of an electric furnace for a large house.

You may want to pass my calculations by someone else for checking, but I
believe they are correct.


From: Jeff Driscoll

Was the "steam" exiting the Rossi device transparent or was it an opaque
white? (right at the top where it transitions from the aluminum foil covered
"chimney" to the black hose) .If it is transparent then that would mean it
is water vapor - and truly 12 kW of steam. But if it was white then that
would indicate condensed tiny liquid droplets (or ultrasonic fogging) and
fraudulent scamming.    
Water vapor is virtually invisible.. On a tea kettle, the steam immediately
coming out of the kettle is transparent but roughly 1 or 2 inches away the
vapor condenses to tiny droplets which become a white fog.

On Tue, Jan 18, P.J van Noorden <> wrote:
I wondered why people had no problems with the 8 liters of watervapour which
was released into the room during the Rossi experiment. A simple experiment
in which I evaporised 8 liters of water in a room of 100 m3 with a
powersource of 9 kW ( 3 heaters of each 3 kW) did produce a very humid
atmosphere ( approaching RH 90%) and the temperature rose to more then 30
Why wasn`t this detected during the experiment of Rossi?  If the aircon was
powerfull enough one would still notice a turbulence of warm and cold
airflow in the room.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jeff Driscoll 
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nagel: Check List for LENR Validation Experiments

That meter that was listed can measure Relative Humidity but it can not
measure the quality of the steam.   As you know, relative humidity just
means how saturated the air is for for the given temperature - it says
absolutely nothing about the quality (dryness or "wetness") of the steam.
The quality of the steam (a.k.a. dryness on Vortex) gives you the ratio of
the mass of vapor to the total mass of water (liquid and vapor) in a given
It takes complicated expensive instruments to measure the quality of steam
(one device is called a "throttling calorimeter").   A common or even
expensive Relative Humidity instrument can not do it.    
If Rossi used an ultrasonic fogger in boiling water, he could get micron
sized droplets at 100 C.  That's close enough to 101 C with errors due to
calibration. They should insulate the black hose and stick it in a barrel of
water.   12 kW of steam that is fed into 50 gallons of water (or some number
of gallons) will raise the temperature at rate that could be easily
 If it can be done, find out exactly what information rules out "wet" steam.

Here is a photo of an ultrasonic fogger using water to produce what looks
like steam, but is in fact micron sized water droplets:
Here is a link to a description of a "throttling calorimeter" which is a
device that measures the quality ("wetness") of steam.  Basically the
throttling calorimeter involves letting the pressurized steam expand into a
cavity and measuring the temperature of the resulting gas.  It only works
with pressurized steam such as 30 psia steam or higher so that it can expand
down to 15 psia or atmospheric pressure.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
Jeff Driscoll <> wrote:
How can you use an indoor air quality meter (listed in Jed's email) to
measure the dryness of the steam? (you can't)

Apparently you can. The person who did this is reportedly an expert in
steam. I gather this meter measures RH in steam as well as air.

Can it be faked the following way:
Use an ultrasonic fogger operating at 1.6 MHz to create micron size
droplets.  Heat the droplets to 90 C and then send it down the black hose.

The temperature of the steam out the outlet is measured with a thermocouple.
It is 101 deg C. So it is definitely steam, or a mixture of steam and water.
The RH meter ensures that is all dry steam.

- Jed

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