Stephen wrote:
"In the latter case, one can assume there will be delays and unexpected 
problems with continuing to
create the effect on demand a few months down the road..."

I think that is what happened with his grant with the DOD... perhap's Jones 
might know more about
this, but I started reading the report which was the result of the DOD grant 
work.  Apparently Rossi
initially provided them with a 35% efficient thermoelectric device (TED) at the 
beginning, which is
about 4 to 7 times more efficient that most TEDs (5%-10%), but they were unable 
to reproduce that
level of efficiency in newly fabbed cells.  There were problems with the place 
that was fabbing
them, so they used a fab in Italy.  Of the cells that they got from them, more 
than half were broken
due to very poor packing, and the rest didn't perform any better than off the 
shelf units...
Coincidence?  Only Rossi knows.... 
If I might speculate a bit here... 
He was a man on a mission.  He had already seen enough evidence that something 
unusual was happening
and was finding very creative, albeit unscrupulous, ways to get the $ or 
materials to do the
experiments that he needed to do to figure out enough to control the reaction.  
Why did he choose
that company?  Well, they already were using TEDs, and would be really 
interested in a 5x
improvement, so he used them to get what he wanted... access to a lab and test 
equipment and a govt
grant to fund his research.  Not too mention a supply of Nickel -- turns out 
that Ni is one of the
materials that has been used recently to make TEDs.  The following from 
"Recently, skutterudite materials have sparked the interest of researchers in 
search of new
thermoelectrics[17].  These structures are of the form (Co,Ni,Fe)(P,Sb,As)3 and 
are cubic with space
group Im3."
Again, this is all speculation, but certainly plausible...
Not the most upstanding way to develop your product, but perhaps in his mind, 
the ends justify the
means.  And if he HAS done what he claims, drastic times require drastic 
measures.  What is cheap,
clean energy worth to you???  to the planet???



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