On Jan 22, 2011, at 2:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

OK, let's see what this Ni-H process really is, how many Cu is actually found and so on. i simply do not believe everything what Rossi says. The "ash" has to be analyzed. Do you know reports about such work?

I suspect I misunderstood the direction of your remarks. My apologies. I focused on the definition of cold fusion simply because there is a recent tendency to try to limit the term to mean D+D fusion.

Yes, I agree, we don't really know what this hypothesized Ni-H process really is, or even if it is strictly a Ni-H process since it was said there are other materials involved. Even Rossi has said he doesn't know for sure, so that leaves everyone to speculation. I think if we didn't speculate and hypothesize we'd have not much nuclear physics to discuss regarding Rossi!

Sorry, I don't know of any reports regarding the analysis of the ash.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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