On 01/22/2011 10:11 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> This is important! Rossi is saying that on Monday, they will upload a
> report by Levi et al. describing a self-sustaining run. This is the
> Holy Grail of cold fusion: a self-sustaining device that produces
> commercially useful levels of power.

It also makes it a lot harder to claim there's a screw feed device
inside, dumping little doses of thermite onto an igniter.

The screw feed needs something to power it, after all.

It relieves a swarm of doubts which surrounded the (to my mind) vague or
implausible reasons which were given for needing the 400 watts of
resistive heating input, when there was in excess of 10 kW of heat being
generated by the reaction.

> People may have some doubts about Rossi's credibility, but I think
> there is no reason to doubt Levi and the others. If they say they saw
> the thing self-sustain, I for one will believe it. As I said before,
> this development is not all that surprising. There is plenty of
> supporting evidence from other experiments. There is no reason to
> doubt that a scaled up machine can be built.
> It is a little surprising that the breakthrough came with Ni-H. The
> temperatures and power density with Ni-H have usually been low in the
> past, as far as I know. Pd-D has achieved greater power density.
> - Jed

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