Resend - Vortex not working 

-----Original Message-----
From: Horace Heffner 

> The statement: "Dipole attraction exactly cancels monopole repulsion  
at very short H-H distances." indicates the author probably hasn't  
even done a basic seat of the pants calculation as to what this  
means.  This statement is nonsensical or irrelevant when applied to H- 
H proximity prior to fusion.

Not at all, in my opinion.

> This dipole attraction is also known as magnetism, and is the result  
of spin correlations, i.e. spin coupling, that occurs when particles  
are close.

No! or should I say yes and no. You may need to take the same 'course' I
took last night:

IOW the dipole interaction at close distance is "like magnetism" but not the
precisely the same formalism - and unlike the equation you base your
equations on, it turns out to be incorrect in this case. Keesom interactions
are attractive interactions of dipoles that are Boltzmann-averaged over
different rotational orientations of the dipoles. The energy of a Keesom
interaction depends on the inverse sixth power of the distance, not the
fourth or third.

Now, like me, you probably were not aware of this possibility until now, but
obviously the inverse 4th power and inverse sixth power are very different
in terms of results for LENR ... and this what allows the possibility of
overcoming Coulomb repulsion without the electron. I do understand the value
of your hypothesis on the deflated electron otherwise, but this offers
another simpler possibility that cannot be overlooked, since simplicity does
invoke Ockham (which admittedly is a non-issue).

You may not agree with the conclusion, and it certainly needs to be vetted
more aggressively, but it is probably better to argue why you do not think
the Keesom interaction is appropriate than to impugn Dr Brown or the
publishers of his paper, when you have missed the critical issue. One does
not easily get to Clarendon Laboratory at Oxford by dreaming up crank ideas

... otherwise they would have hired me years ago :) A similar paper is also
in Jed's collection:


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