Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

No financial backers or investors?
> If this is true, it puts everything in a very different light.

This is the Rossi/Magic 8-ball effect. Ask again later. No, I mean it:

Reply hazy, try again
Ask again later
Better not tell you now

One day he will say he say no one is financing him. The next thing you know
it is company in Greece that has never heard of him. Oh wait, that in his
blog, but the name is wrong.


> If he isn't, then the whole notion that this could be a "con" comes
> tumbling down, because nobody is being "conned".

The term "con-man" means "confidence man." A con-man works by  inspiring
false confidence in himself. He smooth talks the mark into thinking of him
as a trustworthy, reliable, solid person. A good investment. Safe, calm.

That is about as far from Rossi as anyone can be! I have met dozens of
oddball people in the cold fusion biz but I have NEVER encountered anyone
who set off more Red Alerts. I mean it when I say that if he had
deliberately set out to make himself look bad he could not have done it more
effectively. He makes every public relations mistake I can think of, again
and again. It is agonizing to watch.

In a strange way, it gives me confidence he is not a con-man. He would make
the world's worst con-man. He would starve, if that's how he makes a living.
Think about it: In the age of the Internet, does a con-man tell you he has a
PdD from a defunct diploma mill that anyone can find in 3 seconds flat?

Maybe it is a sophisticated mind-game, where he makes himself look so much
like what you fear he may be, he convinces you he cannot be that thing.

It is an enigma.

- Jed

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