No, Steven, it wasn't a 'dumb comment'... Jed is more like an extrovert and 
what first comes to his
mind comes out his mouth... Then he thinks about it! :-)

It is certainly appropriate that *someone* report on the Rossi-Focardi demo at 
ICCF-16, but who?
Are there any researchers at ICCF-16 who were also present at the Italy demo?  
That would be the
most appropriate person to provide a report, with perhaps supporting comments 
from others if the
first-person account is not that familiar with the Ni-H research...

Anxious to hear what's coming out at ICCF-16 in all areas of LENR...
Are there any Vorts there??? Jed?


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section

>From Jed:

Some follow-up comments.

>> For me this truly begs a nagging question. Of what importance, if 
>> any, could actually be discussed at such a meeting conducted by 
>> Melich.
> A great deal. Melich has a lot of technical info on this.
> He has read the papers published by Rossi and understands them better 
> than I do.

I hope your perception on this particular matter is accurate. I'll elaborate 
some more on that
matter further on down.

>> It's my understanding, according to Krivit, that Rossi has stated 
>> that Melich is NOT speaking on his behalf.

> No one speaks for Rossi.

Make sense to me.

>> ON WHOSE BEHALF IS MELICH SPEAKING FOR? What's Melich's objective? 
>> What's in it for him?

> That's a really dumb comment. This is a scientific conference.
> He is speaking on behalf of science, reporting technical facts. That's 
> what people do at conferences. His objective is to enlighten his 
> colleagues.

> This is not a secret conspiracy or a pulp thriller. It is real life. 
> It is a physics conference. Dull as dishwater, believe me.

I'm certainly not immune to occasionally making dumb comments or completely 
misinterpreting events.
I'm also not immune to misinterpreting the personal motivations of others. 
Shoot! Sometime I don't
know what my own personal motivations might be at a particularly pregnant 
moment of time. I continue
to surprise myself! Nevertheless, the "dumbness" of my commentary is to a large 
extent derived from
the puzzling comments one can retrieve from Krivit's own assessment of Melich. 
For example, Krivit
sez the following:


> For many years, Melich has gone out of his way to give people in the 
> LENR field, including me, the impression that he is a covert 
> intelligence agent, specifically tasked by the U.S. government to 
> promote and keep an eye on "cold fusion." Many people in the field 
> have believed this and consequently have responded to him 
> deferentially and with unusual openness. One problem with his methods 
> is that true covert operators never try to give people the impression 
> that they are covert operators.

I guess I should come out of the closet here and reveal an insignificant 
personal fact. For a short
period last year I was an active BoD member on Mr. Krivit's NET magazine. FYI, 
Others within the
Vort Collective, (who shall remain nameless) have also been BoD members. 
Therefore, for me to
"confess" the fact that I was at one time a BoD member is not that big of a 
deal. To clarify, the
duration of my BoD participation didn't last terribly long. After some official 
BoD deliberation it
finally came to a point where we mutually agreed upon the fact that the best 
course of action would
be for me to resign, particularly when it became obvious that Mr. Krivit and I 
shared different POVs
on several matters. While our last official NET-BoD communications might have 
been described as, how
shall I put it... somewhat contentious, it remains my hope that Krivit and I 
parted amicably.  We
certainly wished each other well.

And now, with that little bit of personal soap-opera drama out of the way, I 
would like to once
again express a concern that Melich seems to have acquired a mysterious 
mystique about himself, this
depending on who you talk to. I gather Mr. Krivit acquired questions pertaining 
to Melich's
activities and speculated motivations. To be honest, I don't know what to think 
about this
particular matter. I've never met Melich in person. Therefore, I have to rely 
on the perceptions
others have acquired.I honestly don't know if Krivit's concerns are valid or 
I refuse to pass judgment on Krivit's perceptions, other than to express the 
fact that there
probably are reasons as to why Krivit acquired such "concern". I am not privy 
to the specifics,
however, and as such I don't wish to add more disinformation and unfounded 
speculation to the stew.

I only wish to reiterate a perception that Melich seems to have acquired a 
mystique about himself -
that perhaps to some extent that "mystique" seems to have served Melich in 
advantageous ways. I  hope that might help explain why I originally asked the 
"dumb" question:

"What's Melich's objective? What's in it for him?"

Inquiring minds want to know.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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