... two more details worth mentioning about "seeding" in LENR, such as with
a radioactive isotope, only this time it is not an exotic isotope. And that
infamous Bologna reactor, shaped like the boot of Italy, is starting to
really smoke, now.

The secret could be thorium. The second confirming detail for this is
Rossi's transmuted copper. As it turns out, the transmutation of
thorium-to-copper, specifically, has been oft reported in the history of
LENR going back 15 years... ergo, in a situation where there is nickel
seeded with thorium, the copper that shows up may come from the thorium.
That would be the Rossi/Cincinnati/Celani connection.

Obviously Rossi would not want to admit that thorium was present in the
first place, if it turns out to be the secret catalyst. And it would explain
a number of other troubling details in this unfolding mystery, as well.

Recently, Nick mentioned the Cincinnati group, from the mid-1990s - where
thorium was transmuted rapidly to other elements, and a major end-product
was said to be copper. And there is this, with a similar claim of *visual
levels* of copper from transmutation (as was Rossi's claim = visual levels):


Also worth mentioning - Lewis Larsen is now on the thorium LENR bandwagon, 


Lots of coincidences here. Not the least of which is this - from Celani no

Had Rossi been using thorium as his secret catalyst, he would have surely
known of Celani's connection via this article above. In fact, it may have
been his inspiration for trying it. Years later, at the demo in Bologna, he
would have guessed that Celani probably suspected thorium was present, and
had his meter calibrated to find it ! Thus - Rossi stopped only Celani, when
at least two other meters were looking for other kinds of emissions that he
did not care about ! 


BTW A previous stab at verbalizing probability enhancement was:


-----Original Message-----

. The purpose of the radioactive "seed" emitter in this
scenario is NOT to produce power, per se. It is to alter the QM probability

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