On 02/10/2011 11:19 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
> http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/09/us-science-cern-idUSTRE7185AQ20110209
> (Reuters) - Scientists at the CERN research center seeking answers to
> key mysteries of the cosmos said on Wednesday they would be moving
> ahead cautiously this year to avoid any possible breakdown in their
> giant LHC machine.
> But they indicated that in 2012, if all goes well, they would step up
> the energy of particle collisions that most feel is vital to bring
> them near to finding the almost mythical Higgs boson and evidence for
> the existence of dark matter.
> <more>
> Something else happens that year . . . ?

Oh?  Will that be the year the Tibetan monks finally inscribe name
number 9,000,000,000 in the book?

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