I had to adjust my calculations again because of failures of the previous
calculations. It is significantly simplified and the torque effect is now
much lower than in previous versions. I can no longer explain the Venusian

One thing I still wonder about is how an equilibrium could be established.
Since no net rotation acceleration is taking place in the gas
some counter shear stress is taking place and I wonder if the shear stress
from the observed shear flow could be balancing the effect. This explains
why the flow is contrary to derived shear. On the other hand that shear is
horizontal and the derived stress is vertical.

I ask you to visit
and tell me what you think, Critique is appreciated as well as affirmations.

I also have some idea on how to calculate on liquid and solid matter and on
plasma. The funny thin is that my initial estimate on plasma is
that electromagnetic fields can establish due to the effect.

I also plan to include normal stress variations that are also due to thermal
motion into the same article. You can find the basis of that part on
Read it from bottom and up to get the corrections first.


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

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