This was all a tempest in a teapot! Good thing. I sent a message to the
Wiley editor, pointing to Krivit's article, and apologizing for the

Regarding Abd's comments, several potential authors told me that Krivit
pulled this stunt of pretending you are not there. I mentioned McKubre. I
witnessed another, a few others people told me. I did not ask Storms or
Srinivasan. I don't see any point to sharing the names. It is enough to say
that Krivit made a fool of himself in this manner, and if he had not acted
like such an ass, I would have spoken to him or written to him first, rather
than write to Wiley.

I was not the only one to get the wrong impression from his announcement. I
circulated a draft of that letter to several people at the conference, and
they all agreed I should send it. If even one had expressed reservations or
said, "I don't think Wiley is the publisher" I would not have sent it.

Regarding the WL theory, as I have stated before, I have no opinion about
this theory, or any theory, and I could not care less whether it is true or
not. Some experts recently advised me that if the WL theory is correct, cold
fusion would not technically be fusion, so as I said here, "score one for
Krivit." I do not know what the ratio of helium to heat would be if this
theory is correct. In any case, I am quite sure McKubre is not committing
fraud, and Krivit's assertions about this are misunderstandings.

I know practically nothing about theory, but I am pretty sure I know enough
to see that Krivit knows even less than I know. For him to champion one
theory or another is preposterous. It would be like me arguing about which
vintage of French wine is better suited to foie gras. I don't even know
what foie gras is, and all wines taste okay to me. (Mind you, I am very,
very choosy about wine: I won't touch anything that costs more than $10 a

It is rather annoying to see that Krivit was photographing people, including
me, and uploading the photos without permission. I posted two message on
this article, which I expect he will delete:

1. Ah. Then Wiley has not agreed to publish this textbook. That is a relief!

When I tried to ask you about this textbook at the conference, you not only
refused to talk to me, you refused to acknowledge my presence. When I tapped
you on the shoulder you walked away. An extraordinary thing to do! If you
had answered a few questions I might have asked you about Wiley, rather than
writing to them.

I hope that you can make amends with some of the researchers and produce a
good textbook. I hope that you do not intend to write a textbook yourself,
because you are not qualified.

2. Kindly remove my photo, if you would. I don’t like having photos of
myself on the Internet.

- Jed

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