One other comment on Rossi's patent application.


It probably is a "smoke screen" (well-planned strategic diversion).


By that I mean that it is clearly poorly drafted and almost worthless, and
moreover I think he knows this - and indeed has actually planned it this


There are likely to be other applications, already on file - especially with
WIPO which have been filed within the last year which are better written and
enforceable. They will disclose the secret ingredients.


By the time they are published, his IPO will be a done-deal, his net worth
will be double anyone else on the planet, and he will let others have a go
at trying to get around the coverage.


Everything Rossi has done in a strategic sense is genius level. This is no


He needed "something" to be filed in the USA largely for "show" and in order
to appease the Greek investor, but he did not want to give away anything
technical - which is valuable, prior to the planned IPO and he did not want
to waste money on a competent attorney, all of which has been accomplished.


He has wisely written off the USA as a viable market. This move is
brilliant. It is NOT a viable market and he did not have to find that out
the hard way.


Even with a good demo, Rossi has zero chance of an NRC license during his
lifetime in the States. Even the superior CANDU reactor gave up trying for a
license in the USA after 20 years of frustration. There will be countless
thousands of these reactors placed around the world, especially in Eastern
Europe and Asia before the first one turns up here.


Rossi is no fool. He knows the USA cannot tolerate this kind of disruptive
technology and he is taking the path of least resistance - focusing his
efforts in areas without oil of nuclear resource - where the technology is
not only welcome, but being begged-for . and where high level interference
can be easily handled (in days with a checkbook, instead of decades with a
team of high paid bagmen).


Hats off to Rossi. He is doing everything in the best possible way to
maximize his personal wealth. That is what 'free enterprise' is supposedly
all about, and he has mastered the art.


END of rant.




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