As Terry pointed out in:


> Igor Goryachev, a scientist from Research Institute of Nuclear
> Instrumentation, Russia, said there has been considerable
> interest in LENR projects in his country. “Interestingly, oil
> tycoons have started investing in this project,” he said.

I gather most within the Vort Collective tend to express considerable
skepticism in believing that anyone deeply invested in the petroleum
industry would show any interest whatsoever in pursuing and/or
developing a LENR-based industry.

I perceive a discontinuity in the above article. Not long ago I seem
to recall Jed Rothwell mentioning something to the effect that when
representatives of oil corporations contacted him in regards to LENR
research most tended to express total mystification and ignorance as
to what the field is about.

I wish the article could have been more specific as to who these "oil
tycoons" might be. Where are they from? What countries? What's their
background? Are they old or young?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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